Elon Musk slams "hateful" wokeness as "shield" for "evil and cruel" people
By newseditors // 2021-12-24
Tesla founder and technologist Elon Musk hit the rising culture of “woke” authoritarian leftism in an interview with the Babylon Bee, describing the anti-white and politically correct subculture in terms that might shock the sensibilities of affluent coastal elites. (Article by Richard Moorhead republished from BigLeaguePolitics.com) When asked about woke culture, Musk accused its perpetrators of striving towards a society that is colorless and humorless, reminiscent of the culture of authoritarian regimes in countries such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. “At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful,” Musk said of the authoritarian ideology. “Basically, it gives mean people a shield… to be evil and cruel. Armored in false virtue. Musk even went on to call out wokeness as a threat to “modern civilization,” suggesting what he called a “mind virus” could result in a societal downfall similar to that seen in the age of the Roman Empire. Musk also referenced his brief Twitter war with progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren, remarking on the Democrat’s hypocrisy for accusing him of not paying taxes. (Musk intentionally sold shares of Tesla to pay more than $10 billion in taxes this year.) “She called me a grifter & a free-loader who doesn’t pay taxes basically & I’m literally paying the most tax that any individual in history has ever paid this year, ever. And she doesn’t pay taxes basically at all. Musk spoke with the Babylon Bee’s Kyle Mann and Ethan Nicolle on Tuesday. In the no-holds barred discussion, Musk even said that he’s “not perverted enough” to work at CNN, referencing to a series of pedophilia and sex crimes scandals involving producers and staffers of the fake news network. Musk, a longtime fan of satire sites such as Babylon Bee, remarked that he witnessed the Onion moving in a “politically correct” direction. The spaceflight entrepreneur is known for being one of the only major oligarchs in the US who declines to bend the knee before culturally liberal authoritarian ideology. Read more at: BigLeaguePolitics.com