Health Ranger Report: John Perez talks about gold and silver as real currencies
By matthewdavisdw // 2021-12-28
John Perez gave his predictions on the future of crypto, Bitcoin, tether, Evergrande, gold and silver during the Dec.20 episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams on Brighteon.TV. Silver, according to Perez, is being manipulated and suppressed by the powers that be because they don’t like to see gold and silver going to the moon, while crypto and stocks are getting whacked. ‘‘That would send the signal that maybe we should, maybe we should consider silver. But from my perspective, it's a head fake. When there's going to be a decoupling when people realize that the ship is sinking, they run to the gold and silver lifeboats because that's real currency. And once you hold it and once you have it, you have your life jacket on,’’ Perez said. Perez said he can see a $2.50 to $3.50 upward next week alone. "Wow, even in one day, I've seen it. And then it may happen right away. It may be late but at this market, though, I have to give credit to the Wall Street silver guys and all the silver apes who I absolutely love." Perez stressed that there’s an army of silver buyers who will not stop buying silver. Adams noted that two different sources who are precious metals dealers that there’s going to be a situation gold unobtainium. "It doesn't matter what the price is. You just can't get physical delivery now. We're not there yet. But they say that's coming," said Adams. Perez admitted he panicked into buying silver two or three months ago and very soon it will be headline news. (Related: US Mint postpones silver coin pre-orders amid global silver shortage.)

Big problem on the horizon for tether and Evergrande

Perez also predicted that a big problem is on the horizon regarding tether and the collapsed Chinese real estate giant Evergrande. (Related: Evergrande has officially defaulted: now what?) While saying there are no circuit breakers like in the Dow and New York Exchange, bitcoin will make a dramatic move. "And when that move comes, we're gonna see margin calls coming because there's a lot of traders out there holding on to Bitcoin on leverage, and Christmas is coming at the end of the year. And there's gonna be big problems here. So I expect a big move how far down my target on Bitcoin right now is $4,200." Even if tether is holding a lot of Evergrande debt that is essentially worthless, Adams asked Perez it doesn’t matter as long as people believe in tether. "People just say, well, we don't even care if it's backed by anything. We just like it because it's part of the ecosystem that they want to believe in," Adams said. Perez said nothing’s impossible in the world of crypto. Two exchanges – Bitfenix and MicroStagery – are connected to tether according to Perez. Watch the full video of "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams and John Perez below. Tune in to "Health Ranger Report" from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. This video is from Sources include: