"So I'm not going to be able to get it today because I don't qualify? What if I smoke or vape? What if I were black or Hispanic? Then I'd be able to qualify?" the patient asks the black health care worker. "Yup," she responds. "I'm being denied medical service because of my race?" the man asks a second time just to confirm. "That's the criteria," the health care worker affirms, claiming that the "research" backs only darker-skinned people receiving monoclonal antibodies. "What I do is go around make sure everyone meets the criteria," she goes on to explain. "That's the criteria that was set forth. If you were 65, you'd be good, but nope, you're healthy – and you're healthy and no medical conditions. So research shows you should be able to fight off COVID." It turns out that despite being a "red" state, Texas fully supports this discriminatory policy. The man found this out the hard way after he called the Texas Department of Health and Human Services' (HHSC) "State Infusion Hotline" to file a complaint. "African American and Hispanic are high-risk ethnicity groups, so that would be a qualifier," the man was told by HHSC. If this were the other way around and only white people were allowed to receive monoclonal antibodies, the backlash would be off the charts. "What's actually ridiculous is the healthy folks, of any race, with no medical history and frankly even though with medical problems should all be given either ivermectin, or plaquenil as many others have with excellent results," wrote a commenter at BizPacReview. "The monoclonal antibody treatment actually can be dangerous for many and set off a cascade of multi-system organ failure, especially anyone with kidney issues." Another wrote that the powers that be are engaging in discrimination as part of their campaign to spark a race war. By the looks of it, this person seems to be right on the money. "In other words, 'Get to the back of the bus!'" wrote yet another, hearkening back to the day when Rosa Parks was told to sit in the back of a bus because of her dark skin. The latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at Pandemic.news. Sources for this article include: BizPacReview.com MacArthurMC.com NaturalNews.comDenied medical service because of my race. pic.twitter.com/FgtO3oiSPG
— Harrison Hill Smith (@Harrison_of_TX) November 13, 2021
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