Left-wing billionaire George Soros installs Marxist District Attorneys who openly permit felonies, leading to historic crime waves
By ljdevon // 2022-01-01
Left-wing billionaire George Soros is on a mission to use law enforcement to his own advantage and for his own political gain. George Soros uses his vast financial resources to install Marxists into District Attorney’s offices around the country. Once these left-wing district attorneys are installed, they begin to target their political opposition, while making a mockery of the rule of law. Most shocking of all, these left-wing district attorneys try to make it easier for felons to get out of jail, allowing them back onto the streets with no bail. Republican Senator Tom Cotton sees this corruption for what it really is, which is why he is calling on the American people to recall, remove and replace every last prosecutor who is financially backed by George Soros.

Every last George Soros installation must be removed from office

These Marxists prosecutors are dangerous to the security and prosperity of their districts and to the country as a whole. As they are installed across the country, they become a force of insurrection and sedition, eating away at the rule of law and subverting the justice system. Senator Cotton warns:
Last year, our nation experienced the largest increase in murder in American history and the largest number of drug overdose deaths ever recorded. This carnage continues today and is not distributed equally. Instead, it is concentrated in cities and localities where radical, left-wing, George Soros progressives have captured state and district attorney offices. These legal arsonists condemn our rule of law as “systemically racist” and have not simply abused prosecutorial discretion, they have embraced prosecutorial nullification. As a result, a contagion of crime has infected virtually every neighborhood under their charge.”
The George Soros mafia has been targeting inner city district attorney’s offices and funneling large amounts of money to ensure that left-wing candidates take over these positions. Once these puppets are installed, they quickly vouch for bail reform. These bail reforms are sold to the public under the guise of “combating systemic racism.” In truth, these reforms simply allow criminals to walk right back onto the streets, right after they have been arrested for serious crimes. This has led to historic increases in crime throughout these cities in 2020 and 2021.

Left-wing District Attorneys are behind the historic rate of murder, property, and drug crimes

These left-wing installations allow violent criminals and drug dealers to walk right back onto the streets, where they end up committing more property crimes and threatening more lives. For instance, young hero Kyle Rittenhouse would have never had to defend himself and be traumatized, had these left-wing district attorneys not allowed violent criminals back onto the streets. In the middle of the worst drug crisis in American history, states attorneys like Baltimore’s Marilyn Mosby refuse to press charges for drug crimes, claiming the “drug war is over.” In Chicago’s Cook County, State attorney Kim Foxx won’t prosecute any theft that is under $1,000. In Manhattan, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. openly allows prostitution. Philadelphia’s District Attorney Larry Krasner is combative toward the police, routinely slashes bond, and lets criminals go free, accelerating crime rates throughout the city. San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has such disdain for law enforcement, she led the city to suffer through routine downtown shutdowns that allow smash-and-grab looters to take what they want. Los Angeles DA George Gascon openly invites the waves of crime that are plaguing California because he stopped enforcing laws for disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, and making criminal threats. In Boston, Suffolk County District Attorney Rachel Rollins created a “do not prosecute list” that includes trespassing, destruction of property, and drug trafficking. Consequentially, the number of homicides is rising in these cities specifically. In Cook county Chicago, there were more than 1,000 people murdered in 2021 alone. Los Angeles and Baltimore have seen murder rates skyrocket as well. These left-wing district attorneys tell the public they are for “police reforms” and “de-funding the police.” After the police departments are disrespected, de-funded and gutted, criminal operations gain power in the district. This lax policing environment allows drug and sex trafficking rings to dictate law enforcement operations. Drug rings are empowered and more people are left to fear for their lives as their family members suffer under the crushing weight of drug addiction, moral depravity and overdose. Read Tom Cotton’s statement for yourself to learn more: Sources include: 100PercentFedUp.com NaturalNews.com RealClearPolitics.com