Bombshell documents reveal Dr. Fauci signed off on Wuhan gain of function coronavirus research
By isabelle // 2022-01-18
Project Veritas recently revealed unsettling documents illustrating the link between Dr. Anthony Fauci and the origins of COVID-19. The documents relate to a report by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, which is involved in aiding research into technology that has potential military applications. Project Veritas obtained a report written by a former DARPA fellow, U.S. Marine Corp Major Joseph Murphy, to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense stating that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA back in March of 2018 asking for funding to carry out gain of function research into bat-borne coronaviruses. Gain of function research entails breeding existing viruses in a way that enhances their transmissibility and lethality with the aim of developing better treatments for disease. Those who support it believe it is necessary for developing strategies to fight pathogens that endanger public health, like SARS or MERS, but it is banned in many places because of the potential for human error to cause one of these enhanced viruses to accidentally escape from the lab and pose a threat to human health – something that could well have caused the pandemic we’re dealing with now. DARPA rejected the proposal, which was known as Project Defuse, on the grounds that it violated a moratorium on gain of function research, as well as safety concerns. However, despite these serious reservations, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under Dr. Fauci’s direction, pushed forward with the research, not only in Wuhan but in a few sites in the U.S. This calls into serious doubt past statements by Fauci, who has maintained under oath on several occasions that the NIAID and NIH were not involved in gain of function research with EcoHealth Alliance. The report from Major Murphy also details significant concerns about not only the Covid gain of function program but also the suppression of potential treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin, the mRNA vaccines being pushed on society, and the concealment of various documents. Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe wants to know who decided to bury the original report, which could have raised red flags with authorities and might have even prevented the pandemic in the first place.

Why did Fauci push forward with research the DoD thought was too risky?

Speaking recently on Sunday Morning Futures, O’Keefe told host Maria Bartiromo that there are lots of questions about Fauci’s involvement in the funding. He said: "DARPA rejected the proposal because it was too risky. They cited safety concerns, so the question remains, why did Fauci proceed with that gain of function research under NIAID when the Department of Defense thought it was too risky?" The Project Veritas documents were brought up during testimony by Fauci before the Senate Health Committee last week. He called them “distorted” and challenged the allegations, but O’Keefe insists they have been corroborated for authenticity. In fact, O’Keefe reports that Major Murphy has said that more people will likely come forward to expose what happened. "The documents are 100 percent authentic. People can pull into question the Marine Corps major who wrote them, but there really is an inconsistency here, and now we've had members of Congress, also a United States senator, Ron Johnson, has written a letter to the Department of Defense — so a lot of questions here remain unanswered." He added that with the mainstream media spending so much time and energy defending Fauci, whistleblowers are increasingly turning to outlets like Project Veritas to clue the public in on the corruption that is taking place behind the scenes. Sources for this article include: