The information battle of 2022 will be the war for what is left of America as big tech starts the year off with a devious new mass censorship campaign
By newseditors // 2022-01-10
The image above underscores the danger of big tech and MSM's refusal to allow any opinion other than their own narrative to be discussed, debated, searched for or shared, with social media terminating or suspending accounts with claims of "misinformation," to articles and data that later the MSM and social media are forced to acknowledge were truths. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from What was called misinformation or disinformation just a year ago, considered "conspiracies," have been proven true, which brings us to the new mass censorship push by big tech and social media, where phone services are editing out the links of certain Independent Media sites from their text messages, social media is once again terminating accounts of politicians on the right, online pay services are once again cutting off websites from using their services, and the biggest names in tech and largest search engine is deliberately under-ranking anything that questions the official narrative of the day or week, and removing their ads from dozens of articles and pages they claim are dangerous, derogatory or harmful because they discuss issues they don't want people to see. We'll be discussing all of the above as we show why 2022 will be the defining year of the information war and the critical importance of not only Independent Media, but even more importantly, Independent Media readers. TECH 'OVERTHROWING THE LIBERTY' OF AMERICA A quick note on censorship because there is a difference between banning/blocking people for their opinion or political ideology, and doing so because they deliberately violated terms of services. Example: Twitter, you cannot threaten to shoot up a school or business and still keep your account, because part of their terms of service explicitly forbid it and the same goes with threatening harm to other people. With that said, when  an account is terminated without violating clear guidelines, that is censorship. Recently Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, who is is an innovator in the mRNA vaccine technology used in COVID vaccines, where they discussed a number of false assertions by the CDC, MSM, and  Biden regime, as well as the term "mass information psychosis." Dr. Malone was banned from Twitter, a day before filming that interview.
Dr. Robert Malone played a key role in the invention of the mRNA vaccine, the type of vaccine that is being administered to many Americans in an effort to stave off COVID-19. Malone has often been critical of the use of the vaccines, as well those in the media and government who support them. He shared a great deal of research on his Twitter account, which had more than half a million followers. “We all knew it would happen eventually,” Malone said on his Substack. “Today it did. Over a half million followers gone in a blink of an eye. That means I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target. It also means we lost a critical component in our fight to stop these vaccines being mandated for children and to stop the corruption in our governments, as well as the medical-industrial complex and pharmaceutical industries.”
After the interview, search engine users, of the world's largest search engine, Goggle (Yes, that was on purpose) noticed and captured on video, the real-time censorship of the term "mass information psychosis," used by Malone in the Rogan interview. The video of the censorship is shown over at Twitchy in a piece titled "Just. WOW –> We are witnessing Google’s real-time censorship of the term ‘mass information psychosis’ as mentioned by Dr. Robert Malone (watch THIS!)." The person that shared the video, shared it on Twitter with the message " We are witnessing Google’s real-time censorship of the term “mass formation psychosis” as mentioned by @RWMaloneMD on @joerogan podcast. Don’t let them get away with it! Listen to the episode for yourself." In the spirit of fighting this information battle,  we agree with the suggestion to listen to the episode for yourself, which is why it is shown directly below.
Note: Notice the use of the Rumble version of the interview. Two different versions of the YouTube version were removed, so we didn't want to chance the removal before folks got to see it. Since we are talking about this particular big tech company, please note the screen shot below, from ANP's main page, which lists the titles of the latest articles from news and alternative news, some hot news around the web, and a list of top websites. No actual articles are published on that page, just the headlines, and as can be seen by the huge blank space at the top, and two on the sidebar, those pages have been demonetized, meaning no ads allowed from that ad service. Read more at: