Doug Billings joins the Brighteon.TV lineup
By ethanh // 2022-01-25
We have another welcomed addition to the Brighteon.TV family, and his name is Doug Billings. A conservative commentator who worked 23 years as a human resources executive, Billings describes himself as a "victim ... of the wildly unnecessary economic shutdowns due to the (highly survivable) CoViD19 plandemic." "It was at this time I took note of our beloved Republic in a new way," Billings explains on his website about what prompted him to launch "The Right Side with Doug Billings," which airs on Brighteon.TV every Friday from 4-5pm EST. "It is under attack from within and from outside our borders," Billings says about the United States. Just recently, Billings spoke with Gen. Michael Flynn, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army and former national security adviser who was pardoned by President Donald Trump. This video is from the Brighteon TV channel on "The radical left and their elected class want to radically transform America away from the Divine Providence of God who inspired our Founders to write the three most significant documents (other than the Bible) in the history of mankind," Billings says. "1. The United States Declaration of Independence. 2. The United States Constitution. 3. The United States Bill of Rights."

Doug Billings wants to "fix 2020" by engaging in 2022

In the inaugural episode of his program with Gen. Flynn, Billings discusses strategies to "fix 2020," meaning the election that was stolen by Joe Biden and his cronies right in the middle of the plandemic. "In my opinion, in order for us to fix 2020, we clearly have to get engaged in 2022," Billings says. As Flynn has gotten to know Billings, he believes that Billings is set to become the next Rush Limbaugh due to his presenting style and the way he goes about advocating for conservative causes. "It's not just about voting," Billings says further about how 2020 can be fixed in 2022. "We still have a fight to engage in," Flynn agrees, emphasizing that the next election is critical, in his opinion. The recent gubernatorial election in Virginia, Flynn says, is a powerful example of how showing up en masse to vote is critically important for bringing about real change. "The turnout in Virginia was a stunning turnout. It was a presidential-level turnout, not only with Youngkin as the new governor, but they also turned the state's legislature from blue to red." "It's the first time since 2004, so almost 20 years in the state of Virginia, so it is a big win." The election fraud that occurred in 2020 in states like Arizona and Wisconsin cannot be forgotten, of course, especially since it will just happen again in 2024 and beyond if the factors that caused it are not remedied. "Things are going to continue to come out, and nothing is ever as fast as people want it to be, particularly when it comes to investigations," Flynn explained during the segment. "But the one thing that I do know, and this is really speaking for the future, is we have to get people out to vote." "And that means we've got to encourage people around the local level – local action has a national impact – so get involved in your communities, become a precinct volunteer, get involved with campaigns, and if you feel up to it, run for elected office. Definitely get involved with the election commission at the county level – these are big issues, and these are big deals that people need to start to become awakened to." The conversation between Billings and Flynn is worth your time, so be sure to take some time to listen to the entire episode above. You can also catch more amazing video content like this from other American patriots at Brighteon.TV. Sources for this article include: