The first amendment hit job
By newseditors // 2022-02-10
Content without the right to question it is indoctrination. It’s in our schools and universities. It’s on NPR and the various candy-land media channels every day. Indoctrination of our school children with CRT while banning books by Mark Twain and others? For what reason? Apparently, the left’s misinformation can’t withstand any opposing viewpoints. It won’t tolerate any description of life in early America, no matter how accurate the portrayal. (Article republished from Have you noticed how any time an entertainer, media personality, or even a politician on the fringe, steps out of the lockstep mantra of the Progressives, they get slapped down? Joe Rogan is just the latest example. The libtards were just fine with Rogan until he made the unforgivable mistake of speaking his truth, of inviting people with opposing views to the ‘approved’ rhetoric’, on his program. He is receiving the worst cyber spanking I’ve seen in some time. So, my question to Rogan is, why are you placating these stasi social media owners? You might be a liberal, but you are no longer a blind one. When you got COVID and chose to use common sense proven drugs to cure yourself, you might just as well have started wearing, “I Love Trump’ T-shirts on your show. Instead of licking the boots of Spotify owners, why don’t you do what people like Alex Jones or Mike Adams did after being brutally censored? Create your own site. Take your 11 million viewers with you. Maintain your right to free speech. It’s okay to have people on the program who have opposing views. Because those of us with critical thinking skills will quickly suss out the liars, the biased, and the bought-and-paid-for mouthpieces. It should be obvious, even to the sheeple, that the socialist indoctrination we are being force-fed, cannot stand up to the truth, which is why they are in such a hurry to ban free speech and penalize any who still speak their truth. Look at the way the Dem libtards have gone after Senators Manchin and Sinema for refusing to go along with these Marxists thugs. I respect both of these politicians for not caving to the pressure to step back into the Party line. If we want our Constitution and Bill of Rights to survive into this new century, we are going to have to elect people of conscience, not people of a political party. So now, our faux president has promised to select a black woman to the Supreme Court? Is it because she will guarantee the continuation of our Constitution? Or is it because it projects an image of inclusiveness? The color of her skin and her sex are more important than her integrity or her respect for the law of the land? Okay, I have a suggestion, Mr. Biden. How about Cynthia McKinney? She’s black. She’s a lawyer. And best of all, from your point of view, she is a Democrat. From what I know of her, and I supported her run for president, she is ethical and a staunch supporter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as far as I could tell. As always, my favorite president had a solution for every problem. “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson “We in America do not have government by the majority-we have government by the majority who participate. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson So, if you want to know why those in power and authority are working overtime to silence our freedoms guaranteed in the first amendment, this is why. If we allow these power-hungry Elites to stop our march toward freedom, we might just as well march meekly into the FEMA indoctrination/re-education camps. If enough people show up and hand out food, water, fuel, and money to the Canadian truckers, there won’t be enough Brown Shirts to stop them. Protests around the world need to be supported by massive numbers of those of us who want to live in a free society. Now is not the time to pull back in fear. Socialism cannot withstand the light of day. Let us individually shine our light everywhere. Read more at: