Rasmussen poll claims most Democrats support imprisoning the unvaccinated in concentration camps
By ethanh // 2022-01-18
Our country faces a serious threat from within. A new Rasmussen poll has found that most Democrat voters are in favor of extreme punishments for people who refuse to get "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). By party breakdown, a whopping 55 percent of Democrats say they support imposing fines on people who refuse to comply with jab mandates. Amazingly (if these polls are to be believed) 19 percent of Republicans said they, too, support fines. Twenty-five percent of Independents, meanwhile, responded that they support tyrannizing the unvaccinated. The Heartland Institute survey also asked how voters perceive Tony Fauci, with just 21 percent of Republicans saying they approve of him. An incredible 75 percent of Democrats, comparatively, just love Fauci. When it comes to the prospect of kidnapping children from their unvaccinated parents, 29 percent of Democrats say they would be all for a policy like this. Another question asked how voters feel about Joe Biden's jab mandate for all employees of companies with 100 or more workers. Just 22 percent of Republicans agree with this, while 78 percent of Democrats say they want Biden to inject workers by force. The full poll results are available online.

Some Democrats are waking up and standing in opposition to covid tyranny

Should the unvaccinated be forced to stay at home using force if necessary? Nearly half of all Democrats said yes to a question along these lines, as well as to one about attaching Mark of the Beast-like tracking devices on the unvaccinated. "President Biden's strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won't get the COVID-19 vaccine," reported the pollster. "Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in 'designated facilities,' and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics." Rasmussen emphasized that the near half-and-half division on many of the issues addressed in the poll are the result of "deep partisan divisions" between the "left" and the "right." Early on in the plandemic, the push for heavy restrictions mostly came from Democrats and RINOs (Republicans in name only) who supported the status quo being pushed by the likes of Fauci. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, bucked the trend by recommending a more freedom-based approach to lockdowns, face masks and the vaccines he helped create through Operation Warp Speed. Things are beginning to change, though, as even some Democrats are starting to question the constantly shifting narrative coming from government officials. "After two excruciatingly long years, likely voters are beginning to question the federal government's handling of the pandemic," says Chris Talgo, senior editor and research fellow at The Heartland Institute. "First and foremost, likely voters are beginning to sour on Dr. Anthony Fauci, who seems to have lost credibility after countless flip-flops." Talgo went on to explain that nearly half of all Democrats are against Biden's jab mandates, believing them to be more about expanding the power of the federal government as opposed to stopping the spread of the virus. The general consensus, Talgo says, is that the federal government should do less – a lot less – not more. "I won't pay their fines," tweeted someone in response to the poll results. "I won't take their vaxx. I'll live 100% outlaw if need be. #blackmarketjobspay." "New York restaurants now have stricter requirements than what our southern border does," wrote another. "Reflect on that one for a moment." "So Georgia can't host the MLB All-Star Game, but the CCP can host the Olympics?" added Laura Ingraham, pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: WashingtonExaminer.com RasmussenReports.com NaturalNews.com