“It’s definitely going to have an impact [there’s that word again]. And it’s going to start as early as tomorrow, and it’s going to create a supply shortage of everything back and forth.”Soon, “shipping will be disrupted in both directions,” the article explains. If this were the only challenge to the U.S. supply chain, we might be able to deal with it. But it’s not. The other big force driving a wedge into the U.S. supply chain is China. The Chinese are deliberately closing ports that send goods to the U.S., Canada and Europe. As part of its “Covid-zero” policy, China is locking down its ports, meaning the many products that America has come to depend on China to supply will not be found on store shelves in the weeks and months ahead. Thanks to globalization, the U.S. is no longer a self-sustaining country. Many critically important products, such as life-saving antibiotics, are shipped into the U.S. from China. It would take months, perhaps years for the U.S. to gear up industries capable of churning out these items in bulk. According to Bloomberg, another mainstream publisher, the effects of restrictions in China “are starting to hit supply chains in the region.” As a result of the slow movement of goods through some of the China’s busiest and most important ports, shippers are now diverting to Shanghai, causing the types of delays at the world’s biggest container port that led to massive congestion bottlenecks last summer. That eventually translated into a record number of container ships waiting off the coast of California, a glut that hasn’t been cleared to this day. With sailing schedules already facing delays of about a week, freight forwarders warn of the impact on already backlogged gateways in Europe and the U.S. and that is also why economists are warning that the world economy could be headed for the “mother of all supply chain shocks” if China continues to lock down its ports. Brace for impact. Acute impact. We are about to experience severe deprivation like never before. And it won’t be just food stores. Auto parts from Canada will make car fixes more difficult. Pharmaceuticals, electronics, apparel and just about everything we buy at Walmart comes from China. Imagine the impact if China makes its long awaited military move on Taiwan, where the vast majority of the world’s computer chips are manufactured. The mainstream corporate news outlets can’t see the bigger picture, or maybe they do but are afraid if they report it the sleeping American populous might get even more rattled and restless than they already are. But when you see articles like the one Saturday in the Detroit News and Friday in Bloomberg, you know even they are getting nervous. They have to be wondering if maybe those “conspiracy theorists” were right all along. But their controllers in the corporate boardrooms won’t let them get to the bottom of the conspiracy, to report the whole truth to their readers. If they could, they would know that what we’re looking at with these vaccine mandates and port shutdowns, all blamed on a virus that is 99 percent survivable, is part of a plan for the controlled demolition of America and the West. It’s all designed to happen by very powerful entities that operate at a level above our elected political leaders. The decisions that are leading to the collapse are being made by those buying into Klaus Schwab’s vision as put forth by the World Economic Forum and allied entities such as the United Nations, the Gates, Rockefeller, Soros and Ford foundations, and the corporate power elites on the interlocking boards of directors at Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. Those four financial investment houses own a controlling share of almost every one of the world’s largest corporations, including the largest banks. And they have decided it’s time to blow up the system and start over with something new. Something very different. They call it the Great Reset. I call it technocracy. They want to reset the global economy and the global social structure — the way we live, work, eat and move about in society. They have a plan for all of this and it won’t resemble anything we are used to, anymore than the New Normal under Covid resembled what we were used to. They want an economy based on a new digital, programmable currency and a social structure based on their Luciferian values. That means the present capitalist economic system, based on the U.S. dollar, must be trashed before they can “build back better” with the new money system and a new technocracy based on social credit and a new “more equitable” form of “inclusive capitalism,” which has nothing in common with actual capitalism. This system involves decoupling the middle class from their property. Almost all private property in the new system, if it is successfully implemented, will be owned by the 1 percent of elites and we will rent from them. Those who dissent from the prevailing government-media narrative will wake up one morning to find that access to their digital money has been shut off. There will be no cash back-up, either, because cash will have been phased out of existence. Read more at: LeoHohmann.com
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