Josh Sigurdson talks about worldwide protests against Covid vaccine mandates
By ramontomeydw // 2022-01-26
Journalist Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media (WAM) discussed protests around the world against tyrannical Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates. He touched on these protests in Europe and North America in response to requirements for people to get the COVID-19 shots. "There are massive protests hitting the streets of many places around the world. I've been saying for a while: It's not like the protests actually work, but what does work is showing strength in numbers. It's not about asking the government for permission. It's about telling the government: We don't need permission and we are the resistance," the WAM CEO said. He mentioned the different protests in various European nations with laws mandating that people be fully vaccinated in order to participate in society. On Jan. 15, French citizens took to the streets to protest a vaccine mandate set to take effect on Jan. 18. Those opposing the policy said the mandate impinges upon daily freedoms and constitutes a form of "social apartheid." Around 38,000 citizens demonstrated that day, with an estimated 5,200 participating in similar rallies at the capital Paris. Italians in different parts of the country also took to the streets on the same day to protest the Italian government's impending implementation of a "Super Green Pass." The pass – issued to those injected with the COVID-19 vaccine and those who have recovered from the sickness – will be required for all public and private workers in Italy beginning Feb. 15, 2022. "It is the Lord who saves you, not an experimental serum," former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano told the crowd during one of the protests. While other European countries proceeded to impose vaccine mandates, Sigurdson cited the Czech Republic's recent move to scrap its vaccine mandate following protests in the capital Prague. Newly-elected Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala was responsible for the move, arguing that his government did not see a need for mandates. (Related: New Czech PM scraps predecessor's planned Covid vaccine mandate.)

Cross-border truckers also express disagreement over vaccine mandate

The WAM CEO said: "We see massive protests in Canada and at the U.S. border as countless truck drivers create a convoy against the vaccine mandates that have been put in place for these truckers. It's taking a big toll on the supply chain, as one would expect. This is one of the best ways to protest – to really force their hand at it." Sigurdson quoted a CTV News article about the Jan. 23 trucker protests at the city of Windsor in Ontario, Canada. "Those involved say the pandemic rules and mandates are destroying the foundation of businesses, industries and livelihoods," the article said. Two protest participants told the news outlet why they participated the health freedom rally. Truck mobile mechanic Keith Montgomery, who was vaccinated himself, said: "If you're wearing it, eat it or bought it – it came on a truck and if the trucks aren't rolling, you're not getting it. The economy is going to stop and when that economy stops, everybody's job is affected." Windsor resident Terry Hopson meanwhile told CTV News: "They're infringing on our freedoms and they don't have that right." He added that he just wants things to return to normal as soon as possible, even if it calls for him to be out on the street everyday to join the protesting truckers. Sigurdson said: "It is interesting to see this level of protests in Canada. Of course, one should expect that it would be truck drivers that end up standing up in this way. Nonetheless, I support these truckers and what they're doing. It's amazing to watch because we need to have that kind of pushback and force their hand." "The government should be afraid of us; we should never be afraid of the government. Governments are just organized crime rackets in any country of the world. They only benefit off the enslavement and control of you. They want us to be dependent on them – which unfortunately so many in Canada have become. "The government will never give you back your freedom, you have to take it. Freedom isn't something you hold in your hands. You are the freedom or you're not – so decide that for yourself." More related articles: Food shortages begin in Canada following trucker covid vaccine mandate Hundreds of thousands protest discriminatory COVID-19 vaccine passports in France Thousands of Italians join protests against "Super Green Pass" COVID-19 vaccine passport and mandate EXPECT SHORTAGES: Canadian truckers not exempt from new vaccine mandate despite recent announcement Watch the video below of Sigurdson talking about the worldwide protests against vaccine mandates. This video is from the World Alternative Media channel on has more about protests against vaccine mandates worldwide. Sources include: