NY Supreme Court strikes down Hochul's statewide mask mandate
By ethanh // 2022-01-26
New Yorkers no longer have to wear a face mask while indoors thanks to a decision by the NY Supreme Court striking down Gov. Kathy Hochul's statewide mandate. Congressman Lee Zeldin, a Republican who has been named the presumptive nominee for governor of the state by both the Republican and Conservative Parties, issued a victory statement not long after the ruling: "We did it! A New York State Supreme Court Judge just ruled the Hochul Administration's statewide mask mandate as unconstitutional and a violation of New York State law. Honored to have fought side by side with small business owners, parents, elected officials like Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and so many others in fighting for common sense, freedom, and the full science as opposed to just partial science." Zeldin went on to state that despite the "Hochul knows best" arrogance from the state's current governor, actual New Yorkers are happy to see the mandate go away – now if only the "vaccine" mandates would do the same. "Just yesterday, I heard a taxpayer funded Public Service Announcement featuring a medical expert telling the public that the CDC no longer recommends the use of cloth masks," Zeldin wrote. "However, Governor Kathy Hochul has continued to force New York children as young as 2-years-old to be masked up all day long two years into a pandemic that has harmed kids physically, developmentally, mentally and emotionally. Enough, and it's not just in our schools. The overreach of this statewide mask mandate that relies on partial science rather than all of it has been very widely and adversely felt throughout New York."

Hochul issues statement of rage against Supreme Court ruling

In his ruling, Supreme Court Justice Thomas Rademacher wrote that while the intentions of Hochul and her comrades might be well aimed in the interest of public health (ha!), they have overreached their authority. "They must take their case to the state legislature," Rademacher added, suggesting that Hochul et al. violated the law. In a response statement, an angry Hochul expressed her desire to overturn the ruling and force all New Yorkers back into masks as soon as she possibly can. "My responsibility as governor is to protect New Yorkers throughout this public health crisis, and these measures help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and save lives," Hochul said. "We strongly disagree with this ruling, and we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately." Syndicated columnist Phil Kerpen tweeted a copy of the ruling, which rules Hochul's school mask mandate illegal and unconstitutional. How Hochul plans to try to override her state Supreme Court's ruling, which is the final say on the matter, is currently unknown. But one thing is for sure: Hochul is really upset about the newfound freedom of New York residents and is probably already concocting some new illegal and unconstitutional scheme of oppression to humiliate and debase them. "New Yorkers ... Oust your incompetents, your scared and fragile," wrote a commenter in response to the news. "A new day is dawning and all must be strong. Stand up! Speak out!" Another pointed out that technically Hochul could try to overturn the ruling in the NYS Court of Appeals, which supposedly must still arbitrate this matter. "In NYS, counties have supreme courts," that person wrote. "This decision was from Nassau County. I know, it's stupid but such is the Democratic People's Republic of NY." Another pointed out that just like always, New Yorkers who want to wear a mask voluntarily still have the right to do so – nobody is stopping them. More related news about government mask mandates can be found at Fascism.news. Sources for this article include: CitizenFreePress.com Twitter.com Twitter.com NaturalNews.com