New poll shows most voters want Dr. Fauci to resign
By isabelle // 2022-01-26
If you believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci should resign from his position as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you're not alone as a recent poll shows just how popular the sentiment is. The poll was carried out between January 12 and 14 and asked more than 1,000 likely general election voters the question: “Do you believe Dr. Fauci should resign his position and role in leading the government’s COVID-19 response to allow new leadership?” When broken down by party, the responses largely went as expected. However, The Trafalgar Group poll revealed that a surprising percentage of Independent voters believed he should resign, at 58.9 percent, and 53 percent of likely voters overall say the same. Democrats in particular would prefer to see him keep his position, with 82 percent of Democrats saying he should not resign, versus just 23.4 percent of Republicans saying the same. These dismal polling numbers come as Fauci makes headlines for owning a $10.4 million investment profile in 2020 that included some Chinese companies. According to a report of Dr. Fauci's 2020 financials by the New York Post and released by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS), the president's top medical adviser held investments in Chinese companies through a fund known as Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund. One of these is a pharmaceutical business, the Wuxi Biologics headquartered in China.

Several senators have called on dishonest Dr. Fauci to resign

He has also been accused by Senator Marshall and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) of lying to Congress about his financial details and National Institutes of Health medical investments. In November, Senator Paul blasted Dr. Fauci in a Senate hearing over gain-of-function research in Wuhan and grilled him about why he denied that virus research had been funded by the National Institutes of Health before the COVID-19 pandemic got underway. Paul said: “Gain-of-function could cause a pandemic even worse next time. [It] could endanger civilization as we know it.” He went on to tell Dr. Fauci that most Americans do not believe him on this matter. He said: “Your repeated denials have worn thin and the majority of Americans, frankly, don’t believe you.” “Your persistent denials are not just a stain on your reputation but are a clear and present danger to the country and to the world.” He then said that it appeared that Dr. Fauci had not learned anything from the pandemic and said he felt it was time for him to resign. He also accused him of changing the definition of gain-of-function on his website so that he could deny what had happened. In an opinion piece for Fox News, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) accused Dr. Fauci of telling “an outright lie” when he claimed that he did not dismiss the lab leak hypothesis on Covid’s origins – despite a National Geographic interview in which he did indeed scoff at the idea. Rubio said that this attitude would be a “fireable offense” in most science-related jobs, but not only was Fauci allowed to continue without being held accountable, but some of his peers who dared to question the lab leak possibility were silenced. He added: “Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly demonstrated a history of moving goal-posts when it comes to public health, withholding facts that don’t conform with his own narrative, and issuing inappropriate personal judgments that distort the truth.” He went on to say that if Biden wants to keep his promise to “choose science over fiction”, he should fire Dr. Fauci. Sources for this article include: