Dr. Jane Ruby: Fauci knows remdesivir is a failed drug that kills people – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-27
Dr. Jane Ruby told her viewers that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci knew too well that remdesivir is a failed deadly drug that is killing people. "Fauci has known that remdesivir is a lethal poison. He has faked clinical trial data results to move drugs forward. And he has a long history of resurrecting failed deadly drugs that have killed people the first time around. He is using billions of dollars of taxpayer money to bring poisons to the market and he is getting the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] to approve anything he wants," said Ruby during the January 24 episode of "Live with Dr. Jane Ruby" on Brighteon.TV. Ruby, a medical professional and pharmaceutical drug development expert, added that Fauci has made Big Pharma and himself millions by sacrificing the lives of Americans by using remdesivir as treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). She also noted that Fauci has weaponized the NIAID, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into committing his crimes. The well-known health economist said that Fauci has been able to actually fill these agencies with his own people who have a vested financial interest in doing everything he says and bringing drugs to the market without going through a rigorous process of scrutiny. She noted that remdesivir, which is supposedly an antiviral drug, is dangerous and has actually shown high toxicity during the Ebola trials a few years ago. She added that Fauci led the trials. (Related: Dr. Bryan Ardis tells Dr. Peter Breggin: Fauci is using remdesivir to mass murder Americans – Brighteon.TV) "And what does he do? He's got a very interesting technique. He demands and commands. He's running these trials – not the pharmaceutical companies – 100 percent because he's paying them. But what he does is he stops the trial in the middle. In other words, when he starts to see safety toxicity signals rising up, he breaks the blind," Ruby explained. "When a trial is a randomized, placebo controlled, they are blinded. The investigator who is administering the trial doesn't know who is getting the drug under study and who is getting placebo. When you break that blind, you convert your trial and they did this with the COVID shot trials as well. You break the blind, you convert your randomized placebo controlled trial, which will reveal eventually the safety issues, the deaths and disabilities."

Remdesivir causes kidney failure, multi-organ failure

The veteran medical professional added that a person put on remdesivir will suffer kidney failure, multi-system organ failure and septic shock. "It is a disaster. And in the Ebola trials, 54 percent of the people in that trial who were given remdesivir were dead within 28 days. Now that should have put that medication, that molecular compound away forever. It should have been destroyed but Fauci resurrected it and he brought it back out for COVID," Ruby said. She also noted that COVID-19 patients in hospitals are being denied life-saving treatments by not giving them ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – two approved drugs with an incredible safety profile and high levels of efficacy against COVID-type flu symptoms and illnesses. "So the latest epidemic is really an epidemic of people becoming hostages in the hospital. And they go through what we're now calling a death protocol. So many people are being murdered, so to speak, are knowingly allowed to die in ICUs, because the Biden administration is actually paying hospitals to let people die," said Ruby.

Family, friends prohibited from visiting COVID-19 patients

Ruby said that aside from denying COVID-19 patients early life saving treatment, friends and even family members are also prohibited from having any access to come and visit. "There is an incredibly important piece when your loved one is in the hospital. They are sequestered from the comforts of their home. They have maybe a nurse or doctor here and there, but not the people that they love and who loves them," the veteran pharmaceutical drug development expert pointed out. "They don't have the comfort of family and friends around them which is really impactful and helpful in the healing process. So they are blocked from having any advocacy or any comfort from their family and friends." Ruby also revealed that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services has an edict, which can be seen in one of their latest publications, that are waiving patient rights. "In most hospitals, if not every hospital, it's actually required that the hospital displays what is called patient rights. You have to understand your rights and if you're going in for an elective procedure and you go through the admissions office, you'll be handed this document and it tells and makes you aware of the fact that you have the right to try treatment, you have the right to know what your treatments are, you have the right to refuse treatment and you have the right to leave the hospital at any time with or without having to justify it. Well, that's not happening," Ruby explained. The radio and online TV show host added that thousands of people trapped in hospitals are forced on remdesivir and then forced on ventilators until they die because the hospitals are getting highly incentivized. More related stories:  Is remdesivir increasing people’s risk of needing to be hospitalized for Covid? Fauci: a corrupt millionaire who made huge profits from the Covid plandemic. COVID-19 patients should know they have the right to REFUSE treatment with remdesivir. Watch the full Jan. 24 episode of "Live with Dr. Jane Ruby" below. You can catch "Live with Dr. Jane Ruby" every Monday at 7-8 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Follow PharmaceuticalFraud.com to know more about dangerous drugs like remdesivir that are being used in hospitals to treat COVID. Sources include: Brighteon.com DrJaneRuby.com