Biden family ties to Communist China even more extensive than thought; author details "scariest investigation" in exposing first family corruption
By jdheyes // 2022-01-28
For at least the past couple of years, independent and alternative media outlets have been describing the Biden family's financial ties to Communist China, well in advance of the 2020 stolen election that put Joe Biden the Mindless in power to serve as the deep state's pro-China puppet. But a new book by investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer provides stunning new details that prove, beyond a doubt, that not only are the Biden family's China ties real, but they are also far more extensive than previously reported -- so much so that Schweizer called it the "scariest investigation" he's ever conducted for a book. Schweizer, author of the new book "Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win," noted in an interview that aired last week on Fox News' "Life, Liberty & Levin," that Hunter Biden was paid large sums of money, in large part because of his then-vice-president father, Joe Biden, who, of course, was installed as president last year. Citing his research, Schweizer, who is head of the Government Accountability Institute and a former Hoover Institute fellow, said the Biden family has benefitted from Chinese largess to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. At one point during the interview, Levin asked the author how apparent was it that the Chinese government made it "part of their mission" to exploit Hunter Biden in an effort to gain access to his father. "I think there's no question. We spent more than a year investigating ‘Red Handed,' and one of the most startling things we uncovered is the simple fact that the Biden family, while he was vice president of the United States and continuing when he became president, received some $31 million from Chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence," Schweizer said. One figure is investor Che Fung, chairman of Chinese firm Ever Union Capital. "Hunter Biden, in the Hunter Biden emails, refers to him as the ‘Superchairman.' That's kind of his nickname for him," Schweizer told Levin. "And [Hunter] says in one email, 'I don't believe in the lottery anymore, but I believe in the Superchairman,'" the author noted further, going on to describe Che as a "sketchy Chinese businessman [whose] business partner at the time … was the vice minister [for] state security" in Beijing." "[The partner] was the head of something called the #8 Bureau. It doesn't get any higher than that. These are the sorts of individuals that were striking deals with Hunter Biden," Schweizer said. "So there's no question in my mind that [the Bidens] were targeted by the Chinese and for the life of me, this is unprecedented. I don't know of a time in American history where the American first family has had this kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service, particularly a foreign intelligence service that wants to defeat the United States in global competition," he added. Many of the revelations contained in Schweizer's new book were gleaned from the laptop computer Hunter abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware in 2019, the contents of which were first reported by the New York Post in the weeks before the stolen 2020 election. Social media giants like Twitter censored the information. For his part, Levin noted that a number of Democrats including Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut pursued investigations into then-President Donald Trump for allegedly violating the Constitution's Emoluments clause -- receiving compensation from foreign sources, via income from his hotels and other properties. Nothing ever came of the probes, however, because Trump did nothing wrong. And yet, the same scrutiny is not being applied to Biden by those same Democrats, the host noted. "Ironically, the Emoluments Clause that they used to talk about what Trump has as its purpose to prevent this sort of thing where somebody who becomes president or other people in the family are basically paid off or invested in… by a foreign government. [The Founders] had great fear about this sort of thing," Levin said. "$31 million pours into the Biden family and Joe Biden doesn't know anything about it. He is the head of the Biden clan," the host added, mockingly. “Schweizer says that, in a quarter-century as an investigative journalist, this is the scariest investigation he has ever conducted,” publisher Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, notes. Sources include: