Act! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel: Preserving America and freedom should be our top concern – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-28
For Brigitte Gabriel, founding chairman of Act! for America, preserving America and freedom should be the top concern of Americans. "We need to see more of each other, stand with each other, support each other, edify each other [and] lift each other up because we are fighting for our country. We need to bond together as one and we all need to work together as one to save the country," Gabriel told host Michele Swinick during the inaugural episode of "Everything Home" last Friday, Jan. 21, on Brighteon.TV. "Our end goal is preserving America and our freedom and that should be our number one concern, the overriding factor that should bring everyone together." (Related: Steel Truth: Americans now doing something about the country's dire situation – Brighteon.TV.) Gabriel is a journalist and news producer who started her career as an anchor for "World News," an evening Arabic news program. As a terrorism expert and the founder of ACT! for America, Gabriel travels widely and speaks regularly on topics related to the Middle East. "We need to put aside all the bickering and backstabbing if we want unity in order to save America," said Gabriel, who is also a New York Times bestselling author. She noted that it's okay for people to be involved in one group, two groups or even three groups, adding that people can be an asset to whatever group they are involved with. "A rising tide lifts all boats. When you are in an organization that is being lifted, everybody else gets lifted. And that's what I talk about. Let's work together. And that's why I'm all about action," said Gabriel. "I'm all about working. And this is exactly why I named my organization 'Act! for America' and not 'Think About America,' not 'Wish for America,' not 'Hope for America,' not 'Pray for America,' but 'Act! for America.' You can pray, help and think about the country, but without taking action for our country, nothing changes."

Act! for America mobilizing people all over the country

Gabriel noted that Act! for America, the nation's premier nonprofit grassroots movement, is mobilizing people all over the country. "We have groups working on election integrity. If that is your heart issue, join our groups. We are now mobilizing the nation in anticipation and preparation for the 2022 election this year. We have groups working on critical race theory. If you have children and that's your number one concern, join a critical race theory group," she said. "We have different groups, we offer different things. We monitor bills coming down for a vote where we need you to be engaged so we can notify you that there's a bill coming down. And you can call your elected official and make your voice heard. That's how we can make a difference." Gabriel also said that Act! for America will guide, mentor and show its members how to be an activist that can make a difference. The Act! for America founder and chairman emphasized the need to take action and "let the members of Congress know that we actually exist." "They need to hear your voice, [so] take action, become engaged [and] become involved. That's how we make a difference," Gabriel stressed. She also called on the viewers who have their own group to join or bring their group under Act! for America. "You can keep your name. I don't care what the name of your group is. It doesn't matter who you are. We will take you, we will mentor you, we will lift you up, we will connect you with other groups nationwide. We will get you plugged in and become something bigger than just yourself in your own little small town, in your own small city, in your own community or in your own state to become a part of a national network," Gabriel said. More related stories:

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Watch the full Jan. 21 episode of the "Everything Home" below. You can catch "Everything Home" with Michele Swinick every Friday from 7-8 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Follow Freedom.News for more news related to freedom, liberty and rights. Sources include: