If you consider yourself on the political Left, you might be forgiven for not knowing very much about the many acts of worker resistance against the COVID-19 vaccination mandates that have taken place all around the world over the last year. This is because the professional Left media and activist class—while happy to cover traditional strike action over union contract disputes, such as with last year’s John Deere Company and the more recent Kroger strike in the United States—have completely ignored comparable labor struggles undertaken by working people over an issue which defies contemporary cultural associations; leaping over most racial, gender, and social divisions. By making social and economic participation contingent upon the taking of a speedily-developed medical product, average members of the global labor force are being placed in a dehumanizing position—either participate in the world’s largest clinical trial, or be cast into a life of social alienation and privation. Resistance to these vaccine mandates has been expressed through walkouts, picketing, coordinated sickouts, mass resignations, and most recently in Canada, massive truck convoys. And while COVID lockdown-related supply chain backups continue to play out, such revived worker militancy is adding to the already existing crises in the shipping, healthcare, and retail industries.Note - Australia truckers are also now protesting, while people in multiple countries are taking to the streets against the vax mandates and passports, and treating those refusing to get vaxxed as second class citizens. We are also hearing rumbles about American truckers perhaps setting up their own convoy to the capitol.
Leigh Dundas and Miki Klann speak to the Scottsdale Unified School District in Arizona. During the meeting, Miki declares her intention to file a claim against the Governor’s surety bond on behalf of the SUSD board members. Each member of the board will be charged with practicing medicine without a license, child abuse, segregation and inappropriate sexual material in the school libraries. Miki served each board member with 10 letters of intent by 10 different parents. Each claim carries a liability of up to 100K – this means each board member carries a total liability of $1 million in the event that the claims are filed. Now the board members have 5 days to rectify the situation or the parents of SUSD will file the claim.Another example of just how badly liberal Democrats are "reading the room," is the whole Joe Rogan controversy. Long story short: Rogan has the most popular podcast on Spotify, who reportedly paid him more than $100 million for exclusivity of Rogan's podcasts, Has-been singer Neil Young decided that Rogan had no right interviewing renowned doctors and professionals that do not toe the COVID narrative, so he threatened Spotify that it was either Rogan's podcast (which boasts 11 million listeners), or young, which doesn't even bring that many listeners in a month or three or more. Well.... usually, something like this happens and within a few days no one would remember what Young said, what happened, and even less people would care about it. In this case, the entire issue highlights how dictatorial some are that they want Rogan canceled, but surprisingly others have drawn a bright red line in the sand between freedom and tyranny. After Rogan finally responded to the whole fiasco, as older singers and names that many these days have never even heard of, joined Young in pulling their music from Spotify, other high profiles names came out in support of freedom to bring both sides of a narrative to the table, whether one agrees with the point of view or not. Below are some of the supportive messages to Rogan:
VICTORY: Female Air Force officer becomes first to win injunction against covid jab mandate
By Ethan Huff // Share
If masks really work, why is the CDC about to drop its nationwide mask guideline?
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By Arsenio Toledo // Share
Washington Post calls Canadian truckers racists, says freedom is ‘white supremacist’
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Russia agrees to mediate U.S.-Iran peace talks amid rising Middle East tensions
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Ron Paul was right: Now GOP lawmakers are pushing to ABOLISH the Federal Reserve
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