Canadian cyberterrorist takes credit for hacking GiveSendGo and doxxing thousands of Freedom Convoy donors
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-21
A self-proclaimed "cyberterrorist" has taken responsibility for hacking the independent crowdfunding website GiveSendGo and publicizing the names of everybody who donated money in support of the Freedom Convoy. This doxxing event led to many donors being harassed. Aubrey Cottle, known online by his alias Kirtaner, is a hacker from Canada. He has recently admitted to illegally hacking GiveSendGo. In a recent video he posted on TikTok, he bragged about doxxing and releasing the information of thousands of people. (Related: Twitter allowing hackers to spread personal information about GiveSendGo donors, subjecting them to doxxing.) "I doxxed the truckers. I did it. It was me," said Cottle in the video. "I hacked GiveSendGo, baby, and I'd do it again." "I did it, I did it," he added, screaming as though in some kind of mental breakdown. "Come at me. What are you going to do to me, huh?" Cottle went further by claiming to have hacked other websites and even social media networks. "I hacked Epic Hosting! I hacked Parler! I hacked Gab! I hacked Truth Social! I don't care!" "I'm literally a famous f------ cyberterrorist," he said. As a result of the doxxing, the thousands of people who provided monetary support to the Freedom Convoys were suddenly subjected to harassment. Not only that, but they are also now in danger of losing their jobs. Cottle has previously worked as a cyber specialist for both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. He has also claimed to have worked for both the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Interpol. Cottle has made his position regarding the Freedom Convoys well known. He has openly praised the Canadian government for harassing health freedom protesters and for activating the Emergencies Act.

GiveSendGo hacking and doxxing incident "highly coordinated," politically motivated

Jacob Wells, the founder of GiveSendGo, said in an interview with Fox News Digital that Cottle and the other hackers that have taken responsibility for the hacking "have histories in some pretty nefarious attacks." Wells called on the FBI and investigative agencies in Canada to arrest and convict these hackers. He blamed Cottle and the other hackers for the harassment private citizens who donated to the Freedom Convoys have received as a result of the doxxing. The GiveSendGo founder also pointed out that the hacking and doxxing "seems well-orchestrated." He believes Cottle and the other hackers have "strong political motivations" for targeting GiveSendGo. "This is illegal, and these people should be going to jail," said Wells. "The FBI – I mean, it's surprising that we haven't heard from any investigative services. We will be reaching out ourselves to just see that there's some investigation into this. This is completely unacceptable." Wells believes the FBI is not doing enough to be proactive, especially since Cottle and many of his associates have already admitted to engaging in this type of illegal activity. "This is the role of government to perform these investigations when crimes happen," he said. In light of the recent hack, GiveSendGo is bolstering its cybersecurity efforts. The company even hired "ethical hackers," whose mission is to hit the platform as hard as they can and try to expose its weaknesses. When vulnerabilities are found, GiveSendGo's cybersecurity experts can then find a way to protect against these weaknesses. "We find it unacceptable on our side that this happened and that's why we're pouring into bringing in the best. We never want to see this happen, and it's horrific to us that it has," said Wells. "But our message to people is to stand strong in the face of adversity. Don't let this intimidate you. By backing down, you only give them more power." Wells explained that he does not want GiveSendGo to be targeted again in the future. But he understands that because his platform stands for freedom, this is next to impossible. "The number one priority for us is making our platform secure for people. The target on our back is really big because we do allow freedom and many people, they don't like that," said Wells. "They're going to come after us hard, and we need to be better than we've ever been before, and we're bringing in people to make that happen. We're investing heavily in it."

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