Gen. Paul Vallely lauds Canadians for standing up against tyrannical leadership – Brighteon.TV
By nolanbarton // 2022-02-10
General Paul Vallely lauded the Canadians for standing up and taking their country back from the grip of tyrannical leadership. "It's just great, what the Canadians have done to take their country back. And this has become global," Vallely said. (Related: Australian truckers take cue from Canada’s Freedom Convoy, drive to capital to protest pointless COVID mandates.) Vallely and General Thomas McInerney joined the February 4 episode of "His Glory" with Pastor David Scarlett on Brighteon.TV to discuss a wide range of topics concerning U.S. politics, including the January 6 Capitol riot. But they're all pretty excited about what's happening north of the border. "It started out as a protest against the masking of the truckers and the demand of mandatory vaccination. But now, it's more than that. They're talking freedom, freedom, freedom. I see the farmers are now joining them in Canada. It's amazing," said Vallely. Vallely told Scarlett that he's been working with a group of Canadians based in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta for the past year. "A lot of this started with a radio show that I did in Edmonton with a gentleman named Mike Phillip. And as it progressed, we analyzed what was going on in Canada," Vallely said. "They have been so disgusted with their political leadership, but they felt they couldn't do anything about it." Vallely related that he worked with the Canadians and advised them "to develop a ground-up movement." He told them to get leaders in different provinces and come up with a plan. "You've got to come up with a strategy – because if you want to change the political environment in Ottawa, you've got to have the people," Vallely said. He told his Canadian friends that "if you don't do anything about it, you're going to continue to be pressured under a tyrannical test." "And of course, what all of this evolved in is the Freedom Convoy that we've seen over the last few days. So it's just great."

Vandersteel: Canadians are a lot stronger than we give them credit for

It was so great that "Steel Truth" host Ann Vandersteel appeared to have changed her views of the Canadians. "It's pretty amazing what has happened up there in Canada. We thought they were quite the weaklings of 38 million people living up there in the Great North. But apparently they're a lot stronger and a lot [tougher] than we give them credit for because they have really led the way so much so that the truckers here in the United States are now committing to make a similar ride – a convoy from California to DC," Vandersteel said during the February 2 episode of her program on Brighteon.TV. In an earlier episode of "Steel Truth," Vandersteel praised the Canadian truckers for standing up against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate and staging the Freedom Convoy, which was greeted and cheered on by supporters on the way to Ottawa. (Related: Ann Vandersteel lauds Freedom Convoy, slams Trudeau for dismissing protest’s significance – Brighteon.TV.) "That is great. There's actually hope for humanity when I see kids standing up there in support of the truckers who do not want to have the poisonous jab forced on them so they can do their business and bring home food for their family and get a paycheck," said Vandersteel during the January 28 episode of her Brighteon.TV program. "That, ladies and gentlemen, is all we need to know that there is hope for humanity. We just need to continue to push this information out so people understand what's at stake." The convoy was organized in response to a regulation implemented in January, which requires truckers returning from the United States to show proof of vaccination. But it has broadened to include Canadians critical of pandemic restrictions in general and of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Meanwhile, Trudeau called for an end to the trucker convoy protests that are now stretching into their second week. "It has to stop," Trudeau said during an emergency debate in the House of Commons on Monday night, February 7. "Everyone's tired of COVID, but these protests are not the way to get through it." In a press briefing days earlier, Trudeau dismissed the significance of the protest. "The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, or who are holding unacceptable views that they're expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other are the best ways to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values as a country," he said.

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