Investigative reporter Joshua Philipp tells Alex Newman: The whole world is living under some form of Marxism
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-10
The Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp told "The Sentinel Report" host Alex Newman that the whole world is living under some form of Marxism. "The whole world is under some type of Marxist influence, whether it's through China and other countries, whether it's through the government where they actually do control the government or whether it's through the culture as we have in the United States and other parts of the world. We're all living under some form of Marxism," said the award-winning investigative reporter. (Related: Chinese communist conference plots how to 'promote' the 'powerful weapon' of Marxism.) Philipp added that Marxism is often misunderstood as an economic system and that it was recognized previously by Austrian economist-social philosopher Ludwig von Mises and many others as being a metaphysical theory.

Marxism is a religion and a belief

"It was about metaphysics and ontology. In other words, it's a religion – it's a belief. The debate on Marxism ended prior to communism, because the communists could not win debates on economics and sociology. And the reason we debate communism on economics now and why a lot of people take it as an economic system is because that's where the debate ended," Philipp explained. Philipp added that Marxism believes in dialectical materialism, which means the struggle of opposites. "It means that you identify the tactic of it. The physical tactic of it is to identify any system, invert that system, flip it upside down and then create a social movement around the inversion. And then you use that to agitate the existing values, culture, religion or whatever of that society until you wear it down and eventually dissolve it," said Philipp, who has done research and investigations on the Chinese Communist Party, subversion and other related topics. "And they believe that through this destruction of morality, religion, belief, culture, family structure, you can basically boil man down or break men down or break society down to those granular level and from that rebuild the new communist utopia, rebuild the communist man. That's what communism is." He also pointed out that Marxism has its religious roots from Gnosticism and Hermeticism, as well as different types of satanic beliefs that can also be read in Marx's old writings. Philipp added that Marxism was always a religion and Marx built his system on Hegelianism, which was developed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, one of the well-known spiritual political leaders of his time. Philipp also said that Marx built his version of Hegel's dialectical materialism.

Hegel's idea of "conflict leads forward"

Philipp also expounded on Hegel's idea of "conflict leads forward," or the belief in social evolution. He said that Marxists believe that a society develops around stages, and their idea is to create a "struggle" like class or race struggle. The veteran reporter added that a Marxist takes different groups of people and drives them against each other because conflict leads forward, which Philipp said is like the critical race theory or the struggle of opposites, as Marx talked about. Philipp took note of the Marxist belief that the destiny of man is to perfect the creations of God, to perfect society and the socio-economic system and remake it in man's image and to divorce men from God. He also believes that Karl Marx was not interested in the welfare of individuals. Marx, according to Philipp, believes that by destroying the creations of God he becomes godlike himself. Philipp also warned the viewers that they need to become aware of what the Marxists or communists are really aiming for. "They're not trying to create racial harmony. They're not trying to create social harmony. They're not trying to create tolerance and these types of things. They're trying to create hatred. They're trying to create jealousy and they're trying to create intolerance. They want the struggle," he said.

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