State nullification: Arizona set to defy Biden regime amid ongoing "invasion" by illegal aliens
By jdheyes // 2022-02-11
It seems pretty obvious that the Biden regime purposely dismantled President Donald Trump's highly successful immigration and border enforcement policies for the express purpose of flooding our country with drugs and illegal migrants. That's the only way to explain why on Joe Biden's first day in office his handlers would have him sign a stack of executive orders completely dismantling Trump's policies: They knew it wouldn't take long for record numbers of migrants and drugs to begin streaming into our country. But now, a year later, border states run by Republicans are beyond fed up with the invasion of migrants and rampant drug smuggling, and one of them -- Arizona -- appears poised to essentially nullify the federal regime's borderless policies like blue states ignored federal laws against recreational use of marijuana during Obama's reign (remember when he famously said his regime had "bigger fish to fry" than go after states who he suggested 'had a right' to nullify federal pot laws?). Earlier this week, Arizona Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich declared the massive numbers of illegal aliens streaming into the state an "invasion," thus allowing for the state government to take appropriate measures. Brnovich, who is running for a U.S. Senate seat, issued the legal opinion at the request of GOP state Rep. Jake Hoffman, noting that the ongoing migrant crisis, which includes violent actions by cartels at the border, meets the definition of an invasion as outlined in the U.S. Constitution, The Epoch Times reported. “The on-the-ground violence and lawlessness at Arizona’s border caused by cartels and gangs is extensive, well-documented, and persistent. It can satisfy the definition of ‘actually invaded’ and ‘invasion’ under the U.S. Constitution,” the opinion says. “Two conclusions flow from this. First, the federal government has a duty to protect Arizona under the Invasion Clause. Second, Arizona retains the independent authority under the State Self-Defense Clause to defend itself when actually invaded,” the opinion continued. “We were asked for an opinion and are thus providing Arizona policymakers with our legal analysis,” Brnovich added in a statement. “The Constitution recognizes Arizona’s interest and power to defend herself from this type of invasion.” Though he issued the opinion as state attorney general, it is now up to GOP Gov. Doug Ducey to either accept and enforce the opinion or reject it. If he does accept it, then as commander-in-chief of Arizona, Ducey has the authority to find ways to defend Arizona from the invasion, according to Brnovich's office. Ducey's communications director, CJ Karamargin, told the outlet that Ducey deployed the Arizona National Guard to the border in April 2021 and then extended the mission in August of last year "to give our law enforcement the support they need to fight this criminal activity." “Arizona has and will continue to protect our communities with our National Guard, our Border Strike Force and in partnership with local law enforcement,” Karamargin said, going on to correctly note that the Biden regime has “totally failed to address this very real public safety and humanitarian crisis.” Karamargin then took a swipe at Brnovich, however. “For Attorney General Brnovich to imply the Guard is not on our border does them a serious disservice and shows that he fails to appreciate the commitment these men and women have to protecting Arizona,” he added. For his part, Hoffman said he was glad to see the opinion. “This groundbreaking legal opinion further reinforces what I, and my colleagues at the state Capitol, have been calling for, that Arizona under Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution has the authority to step up and protect itself from this invasion,” he noted in a statement. “The human smuggling, cartel drugs and violence, sex trafficking, and other illicit activity must end,” he said before calling on the governor to utilize his constitutional powers “to end the invasion and secure our border.” States concerned with their own border integrity must begin to enforce their boundaries on their own because it's clear the Biden regime isn't going to. Sources include: