Mike Adams tells Ann Vandersteel: Globalists are still in charge of corrupt governments – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-11
The Health Ranger Mike Adams told "Steel Truth" host Ann Vandersteel that the corrupt governments around the world are still under the control of globalists. "The globalists are still in charge of the corrupt governments of the world. So I don't expect mass arrests of the evil, treasonous anti-humanist yet, but I believe it is coming. I think that history is going to be told accurately and I don't know what day that is. But I know that they, the globalists, cannot continue this mass extermination of humanity forever," said Adams during the February 7 episode of Vandersteel's program on Brighteon.TV. "It will come to an end. And we will dismantle their system. And actually, what I'm looking forward to is a world that people like you and I and your listeners will create. And it's a world that will not resemble the past at all." Adams added that people don't need to live as slaves under scarcity that is artificially engineered, and that everyone can all be wealthy by being healthy and informed. The founder of Brighteon.com and NaturalNews.com pointed out that Americans need to take back their power, freedom to speak, right to natural medicine and ownership of their bodies to go through the process that leads to what he calls "abundance economy." (Related: Preparing humanity for the ABUNDANCE ECONOMY that will rise from the ashes of engineered scarcity.)

World under a scarcity economy

Adams, who started Brighteon.com in 2014 after he was deplatformed by YouTube, noted that the world is historically living under a scarcity economy, which he said is an economy where a few governments and central banks create artificial scarcity in order to control and prevent people from moving up and having abundance. "And through this artificial scarcity, which is scarcity of money, scarcity of food, scarcity of energy, scarcity of opportunity and so on, they can control people and then pit them against each other," Adams explained. He also mentioned the suppression of technologies, such as low energy nuclear reactions or "cold fusion." Adams related that the technology had been suppressed since 1989 after Dr. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons discovered it in their lab at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. The award-winning investigative journalist added that this real technology, which has been replicated by the United States Navy and hundreds of laboratories around the world, could enable everyone to access essentially free energy. "Imagine buying an electric car that never needs to be plugged in because in the trunk is a cold fusion device that recharges the car's batteries as you parked the car. Imagine the abundance that would be unleashed in terms of low-cost transportation, ease of travel mobility of the people and also the ability to heat your home, run your lights, your computers -- run everything without burning fossil fuels, nuclear energy, coal, wind farms or anything. That technology exists today, but it's being kept from us all on purpose," Adams stated. "So once we defeat these dark hats that have been controlling humanity for centuries through artificial scarcity, we will unleash almost immediately abundance in energy. We can talk about other areas that will set humanity free once and for all." Adams also talked about the globalists coming up with a constant emergency in order to scare people into compliance with their anti-liberty schemes, such as global cooling in the 1970s and acid rain in the 1980s. He brought up Bill Gates and Project SCoPEx, which he said is a plan to actually pollute the stratosphere with the same chemical that causes acid rain in order to dim the sun to make the planet colder. According to Adams, the globalists are just picking new emergencies out of thin air or creating emergencies, such as the war with Russia, along with climate change, food scarcity, economic collapse, money printing leading to price inflation and other scams to keep humanity enslaved.

Growing food and making use of Mother Nature's medicine

The Health Ranger also shared how he was able to grow a lot of his own food using a non-circulating, no electricity hydroponic system or the Kratky approach, as well as systems that are using regular sunlight. He said that it's a super low-tech, low-cost system for growing a massive amount of food with almost no effort, soil, weeding and electric pump. Adams pointed out that plants can synthesize molecules from air and make medicines. This, he said, is harnessing Mother Nature to make medicine. "And this is what I'm talking about when I say the abundance economy. What if you could grow your food for nearly nothing? What if you could make medicine, or actually Mother Nature's making the medicine? You harness Mother Nature to make your medicine for essentially nothing? What if energy costs almost nothing?" Adams said.

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