Triple-vaccinated comedian Healther McDonald told one joke, got "dizzy," collapsed and fractured skull
By ethanh // 2022-02-11
During a recent stand-up routine, comedian Heather McDonald had a brush-up with her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines." Not long after getting triple-vaccinated with two primary doses and one "booster" dose of an mRNA injection, McDonald started telling a joke while on tour in Tempe, Ariz., and suddenly got "dizzy." She then collapsed on stage, fracturing her skull. McDonald had to be rushed out of the building and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. She then livestreamed her audience from her hospital bed to apologize, explaining that she feels "so terrible" about her show having to be canceled. "Oh my G*d, I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry," McDonald rambled on Instagram following the incident. "I got up, I did one joke and I felt so dizzy. You can see my eye. I fell on my eye. Oh my God I cannot believe this happened, I feel so terrible that they had to tell everyone to leave and then cancel the second show." McDonald further added that she has "never, ever" fainted even once in her life, and that this was totally unexpected. (Related: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and other politicians who are triple-vaxxed are also testing positive for the virus.)

McDonald was making fun of the unvaccinated when she collapsed

Ironically enough, the nature of McDonald's bit included political commentary against people who refuse to get injected, though she also reportedly made light of the plandemic. "I'm vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted ... and flu shot, and shingle shot, and haven't gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most," McDonald joked right before she fell to the floor and hit her head. The audience was stunned by the display but believed it to have something to do with McDonald's act. It then became apparent that McDonald had experienced a medical emergency when an EMT and a nurse who happened to be in the audience rushed up to the stage to administer first aid. A recording of the 911 call included mention of a possible seizure. An ambulance also came to the site, however McDonald turned it down and instead had her sister-in-law, who was present at the show, drive her to a local hospital. Interestingly, nobody seems to know what actually happened to McDonald even after the fact. She received a CAT scan and was subjected to various other diagnostic tests, but medical professionals were unable to figure it out. McDonald now says she feels tired and her head hurts but that other than this, she is doing well. In the days prior to the incident, McDonald had already performed two other shows at the Tempe Improv without issue. It was the third time that her vaccine-injured body apparently just could not take any more. The first two shows, she said, were "so much fun." McDonald says she plans to return to Tempe very soon to do more shows, perhaps specifically for all of the people who paid to watch her that third night and only got part of the way through one joke. "Let's hope it is not brain cancer," wrote one person at the DailyMail Online. "The covid shots are the number one cause of coincidences," joked another. "Previously, a vaccine had to be in use for TEN YEARS before the government approved it for pregnant women," said someone else. "This got approved in like three months." "And babies breastfeeding from 'vaxed' moms have died within a couple weeks, and many babies have been miscarried unexpectedly. Far more than normal." More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" injuries can be found at Sources for this article include: