Russia, which produces two-thirds of the world's ammonium nitrate (fertilizer), will not be exporting it at least for another month
By ethanh // 2022-02-27
Russia will not be exporting any ammonium nitrate fertilizer at least for another month. First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov announced that until April 2, his country will need the fertilizer for itself, which could spell disaster for the rest of the world that relies on these exports. It turns out that Russia produces around two-thirds of all the world's fertilizer. This cut-off right before the Northern Hemisphere's planting season will more than likely be devastating. "The two-month ban on ammonium nitrate export comes into force from February 2," Russia's press service said. "The relevant decree of the government was signed." Belousov added in his own statement that the measure is "temporary," and that the remaining volume from April 2 can be exported at that time "when Russian companies will receive the ammonium nitrate in required volume and the demand for it on the domestic market will pass peak values."

Russia puts its own people and industries first, while U.S. politicians put Americans last

This all occurred at the beginning of February. In other words, it was conveniently announced prior to the Russian invasion into Ukraine. At the time, fertilizer prices were already soaring in the United States and elsewhere due to fiat inflation and other factors, including Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) supply chain problems. It would seem as though this was all planned, in other words, for such a time as this – a perfect storm that, because of America's engineered reliance on other countries for pretty much everything these days, will likely cripple the domestic food supply. This is what globalism does, by the way. It leaves the nation that was globalized crippled and completely dependent on other countries for everything. Russia, on the other hand, is largely self-sufficient and keeps itself insulated and dependent only on itself, whenever possible. Which country do you think is better positioned for the impending world war that appears to have been intentionally planned for the two-year anniversary of the Fauci Flu plandemic? Another thing worth pointing out is that Russia still maintains a policy of Russia First when it comes to taking care of its own citizens, businesses and society. Instead of selling out all that fertilizer to the highest bidder, Russian countrymen be damned, Russia's leaders decided to prioritize their own country's agriculture system first, and sell whatever is left over to the rest of the world. In the United States, contrarily, a policy of America Last has been the standard for at least the past several decades, other than a slight blip, some would argue, during the Donald Trump years. Globalist greed, in other words, is why America is fast becoming dead last at everything in the world, while countries like Russia rise to the top while putting their own people first. The writing is on the wall, folks. Lines are being drawn in the sand, sides are being taken, and unfortunately for the United States, America was sold down the river a long time ago. The only thing left to happen is for Americans whose heads have been firmly implanted in the sand to be forcibly awoken from their stupor, which is soon to come. When grocery shelves are empty and gasoline is nowhere to be found, perhaps then the people of this once great nation will realize what has happened. But by then, it will already be far, far too late to do anything about it. The latest news about the impending collapse of civilization as we know it can be found at Sources include: