Toni Shuppe tells Dr. Alan Keyes: There is a lot more corruption going on at certain levels of our government – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-17
Audit the Vote PA co-founder and Public Relations Director Toni Shuppe believes there is a lot more corruption going on at certain levels of the government. Shuppe made the remark in her interview with Dr. Alan Keyes during an episode of "Let's Talk America" on Brighteon.TV. "I think that they're just afraid. Nobody really wants to be the first person to stand up and say, 'Okay, we really do need to take a look at this.' That's just my opinion based on the people that we have met with. But you know, perhaps it goes much deeper, perhaps there is a lot more corruption going on at certain levels of our government," said Shuppe, who noted that some people are afraid to expose the cheating, fraud and tampering that happened during the 2020 election. "But that's exactly why we advocate for a full forensic audit and full transparency in our election system. Every other industry in our country requires audits in order to be able to function. And yet when it comes to our votes in our election system, they want everything to be kept secret. I'm baffled along with you, it doesn't make much sense to me. But we're continuing to push and continuing to the best of our ability to bring these issues to light so that they can't hide behind it much longer." Shuppe added their organization is still looking for people who want to take a closer look at the 2020 election and give answers to the American public. According to Shuppe, the biggest challenge America is facing right now is that people don't want to vote anymore. "And that's the worst thing that could possibly happen. Because that's essentially quitting. And I understand, I feel the frustration. I have days when I feel the same way. What's the point of voting? But at the same time, when you take a step back from your emotions, you'll realize that's quitting," Shuppe said. "And that's a slap in the face to the Founding Fathers and everybody that have gone before us that have shed their blood for us to have these freedoms. And I'm just not willing to give up. And we've seen entirely too much at this point to say, 'Forget it, it's not worth it.'"

Audit the Vote PA exposing election irregularities

Shuppe, along with Karen Taylor and Jamie Sheffield, formed the grassroots organization Audit the Vote PA after seeing what happened in the 2020 election and knowing that something wasn't right. (Related:  Election integrity watchdog outlines proof of election fraud – straight from three whistleblowers.) She said the state of Pennsylvania had so many unanswered questions about the 2020 election, such as the many anomalies in the data and the eyewitness accounts of people at the polls. Shuppe cited the mail-in ballots that were being opened by machines and being ripped as they were opened, and the people not being allowed or being kicked out of the polling stations supposedly due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Audit the Vote PA decided to take action because it believes America will never have another free and fair election if the people behind the election fraud are allowed to get away with it. "So we dug our heels in, we got connected with a ton of good people on the ground. I think we were just the first ones to really stand, be willing to stand up with a voice and make enough noise that we kind of just started connecting all the people that felt the same way that wanted to do something connected with us," Shuppe explained. Shuppe revealed that with the help of a data analyst, they were able to put together a ton of data on their website under the statewide data tab. She added that they have everything on the website by county and people can see what happened in their county such as the anomalies, the number of supposedly registered voters, duplicate registrations and other issues. Audit the Vote PA, according to Shuppe, is advocating for investigations and full forensic audits before the ballots and evidence of the election will be legally destroyed per federal law in September this year. "And so the clock is running out. But we are still pushing as hard as we can for them to open up the records and take a look at things so that we can get answers to some of these egregious anomalies that we have found," Shuppe said.
The full-time entrepreneur turned political activist added that the media is hellbent on destroying their organization's credibility aside from trying to skew the results of their investigation and saying that they were hiding things. "We're being criticized on the back end that we're being secretive. And that just couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, some of the publications that have recently smeared us haven't even reached out to us for an interview, for comment or to ask any questions," Shuppe said. The Audit the Vote PA co-founder believes that over half of the American people still stand for freedom, liberty and the American way of living and that they are willing to stand up and fight for it. Shuppe remains hopeful they will get enough people with eyes on the ground for the coming elections. "I like to call it stop the bleeding. We know what they're doing. Now we have an idea of how they stole 2020. So we need to put measures in place so that they can't do it again. And most importantly, we have to get the bad legislators out, get in the good ones that will fight for us, the people in our Constitution and our freedoms and liberties. We have to get those folks in place," she said.

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