World View Report: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is now a supreme dictator – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2022-02-18
For "World View Report" host Brannon Howse, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now a supreme dictator. Howse mentioned an article from LifeSiteNews about a civil liberties group in Canada denouncing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for using overarching government power against the Freedom Convoy truckers. According to the piece, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) denounced the country's leader on Feb. 15 for invoking the Emergencies Act without meeting the necessary threshold for what counts as a "legitimate national emergency." "By invoking this act – the first time it's ever been – Trudeau has essentially declared himself supreme dictator over the nation. Invoking the Emergencies Act is a form of martial law over a select group of Canadians. Bank accounts are reportedly being frozen with no due process, licenses [are being] suspended and people [are being] arrested," said Howse during the Feb. 15 edition of the "World View Report" on Brighteon.TV. The CCLA said in a tweet that the Emergencies Act "can only be invoked when a situation 'seriously threatens the ability of the government of Canada to preserve the [country's] sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.'" It added that the measure can only be invoked when the situation "cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada." "Governments regularly deal with difficult situations and do so using powers granted to them by democratically elected representatives. Emergency legislation should not be normalized. It threatens our democracy and our civil liberties," the group warned. CCLA's condemnation followed Ottawa invoking the act for the first time in Canadian history in order to address the Freedom Convoy protests against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions in the country. "The blockades are harming our economy and endangering public safety. We cannot and will not allow illegal and dangerous activities to continue," Trudeau said in a press conference. (Related: Trudeau's latest attack on peaceful Freedom Convoy is straight from Communist China's playbook.)

Beijing has newer, deadlier bioweapon in the works

From Canada, Howse jumped over to Asia with a report on the Winter Olympics happening in China. He cited rumors about a potential bioweapon that Beijing is planning to release on the world, two years after COVID-19. Howse said: "Will hemorrhagic fever be the next pandemic used to terrorize the world into submission to the globalist great reset? Is the [Chinese Communist Party] developing another bioweapon? The answer to these questions is almost certainly yes." The Brighteon.TV host took it a step further by revealing an admission by virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who claimed that Beijing had already performed a test run of the hemorrhagic fever pandemic. She added that it was already released through the Winter Olympics in the nation capital. Yan first made headlines in 2020 by revealing that the pathogen responsible for COVID-19 had laboratory origins. "Before the Winter Olympics, we heard about a hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Xi'an [in Shaanxi Province] – if you check the news back in December of last year. At that time I was always asked by many people what exactly happened in Xi'an and why they locked down [the city.] They want to control COVID-19 and there is also hemorrhagic fever. So based on the source, what I can tell you is that lockdown is not only for COVID. It's actually another trial using people in Xi'an to test the hemorrhagic fever viruses and working antidotes," she said. A December 2021 report by Vision Times touched on this outbreak. It mentioned that Xi'an, Shaanxi Province's capital, had reported several hemorrhagic fever cases and deaths. Locals in the city have suspected that an infestation of rats was responsible for the infections. As hemorrhagic fever shares similar symptoms with the common cold, people often mistake it for the latter. In a separate interview with conservative commentator J.D. Rucker, Yan said the hemorrhagic fever bioweapon released by Beijing has a much higher fatality rate compared to COVID-19. While initially limited to within China's borders, cases of the disease recently appeared in the United Kingdom.

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