Mainstream media again trying to muster support for another costly and pointless war
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-18
The military-industrial complex may be using American mainstream media to increase support for another war, potentially one involving Russia and its disputes with Ukraine. American media, including legacy media outlets like newspapers and television stations, have been used to ramp up support for pointless wars since the late 19th century, when media tycoons and their newspapers were partly, if not largely, responsible for the start of the Spanish-American War. More recently, mainstream media outlets were known for engineering support for war with Iraq by uncritically reporting former President George W. Bush and his administration's claims that Iraq had "yellowcake uranium" that it used to create a massive arsenal of "weapons of mass destruction." This lie and the media's uncritical repetition of it even led to a majority of Americans, in the weeks leading up to the invasion, believing that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was somehow involved in the 9/11 attacks. All of these claims were, of course, proven to be false. The concern now is that the mainstream media may be doing the same thing again, this time to fabricate support for an intervention in Ukraine against Russia.

Mainstream media helping the government to fabricate war in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the recent crisis between Ukraine and Russia in late 2021, mainstream media outlets in the United States and all over the Western world have been "counting down the hours before the beginning of the Russian invasion" as if it were "a New Year's celebration on Times Square." Nobody denies that the tensions between Russia and Ukraine are real. But this situation is not helped by the fact that President Joe Biden is standing firmly behind his claim that an invasion is imminent. Just like they did during the lead-up to the Iraq War, the media are uncritically reporting on this to the point that the Biden administration's meddling has in fact increased tensions. (Related: Biden and his war hawks clamor for war with Russia; Ukraine tells him to STOP WARMONGERING and calm down.) But the reality is that Russia is trying to reach out to Ukraine and the West to find a diplomatic solution to the current crisis. Russian President Vladimir Putin has already met with several European leaders to try and find a way to get Washington to back down from its attempts to garner support for a war with Russia. "We are ready to work further together. We are ready to go down the negotiations track," said Putin during a press conference after a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. "We do not want war with Europe," Putin continued. "People of this generation find it hard to imagine war in Europe. That is exactly why we have made our proposals, to start a process of discussion over equal security for everybody." "One of the awful things that happened with the media today is that it became passive. You receive some information, and then you just publish it as is. Very often the source isn't even mentioned, especially when we deal with defense and security issues," said Yoram Peri, an Israeli expert on politics and communications. Peri still believes there is a chance for the media to do the right thing and perform its duty of providing balanced and nuanced reporting on this delicate issue. "Anyone who is leaning on the guiding principles of journalism can stand against this stream of fake news and disinformation, even if it sometimes is extremely difficult. I believe that it's crucial for the reporter to cross-check the facts," he said. "There might be or might not be a war," wrote journalist Ksenia Svetlova for The Medialine. "The question is whether the media will choose to learn from its current failure and change the optics the next time the dates of a possible invasion are flying around and avoid sensationalism, even if it helps sell papers."

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