CDC admits it withheld data from public to avoid spurring VACCINE HESITANCY
By ramontomeydw // 2022-02-22
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently admitted that it withheld Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) data from the public over fears that it might inadvertently promote vaccine hesitancy among Americans. According to the Gateway Pundit, the CDC had been collecting "much more detailed data" about COVID-19 infections that are broken down by age, race and vaccination status. The public health agency reportedly suppressed this information from the public's scrutiny for fears of it being "misinterpreted" and causing "vaccine hesitancy." CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund made this admission, arguing that "basically at the end of the day, [the data is] not yet ready for prime time." She continued that "[the CDC's] priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it's accurate and actionable." Another federal official familiar with the effort confirmed Nordlund's statement. They said that the CDC has been "routinely collecting information since the COVID-19 vaccines were first rolled out last year." However, the official noted that the agency has been reluctant to publicize the data because it might give the impression that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective. Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Executive Director Steve Kirsch commented on the CDC's admission in a Feb. 21 piece on Substack. "Let's be clear. The only way the vaccine data could be interpreted as ineffective by us 'misinformation spreaders' is if the data shows the vaccines don't work," he wrote. "Similarly, the CDC long-standing policy is that no information can be released that may threaten the national vaccination initiative. This isn't about safety. This is about not letting the public know the vaccines are killing them." The Gateway Pundit article also denounced the CDC's refusal to publicize important data. "The 'experts' in the U.S. public health regime believe the plebs aren't capable enough to interpret something themselves. The medical elites just decided to hide the data because it didn't fit the approved narrative and, naturally, blamed the potential for 'misinformation' as justification for the coverup," it stated.

CDC yields on the issue of natural immunity

The CDC intentionally suppressed data that did not favor COVID vaccines. However, it later relented its stance and admitted the superiority of natural immunity over the COVID-19 shots. (Related: CDC finally admits natural immunity is SUPERIOR to vaccines.) The public health agency made this admission in the Jan. 28 edition of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). It showed that natural immunity was at least three times more effective than COVID-19 vaccines in protecting people from infections and hospitalizations caused by the B16172 delta variant. The strain first identified in India was known to cause breakthrough infections. "Before delta became the predominant variant in June [2021], case rates were higher among persons who survived a previous infection than persons who were vaccinated alone. By early October [2021], persons who survived a previous infection has lower case rates than [vaccinated] persons," the MMWR stated. Prior to the Jan. 28 MMWR, the CDC defended vaccination as much more effective in protecting against COVID-19 than recovery from a bout of infection. "COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections," the agency wrote in an August 2021 press release. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at the time of the press release: "If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious delta variant spreads around the country." Dr. Madhava Setty, senior science editor for Children's Health Defense's newsletter Defender, said of the Jan. 28 findings: "The CDC is now finally revising its position five months later. This is a major problem with the CDC and its data. They have been opaque and late to the game from the beginning."

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