DoD document proves that military's purge of unvaccinated servicemen putting country at risk
By ethanh // 2022-02-22
Attorney Thomas Renz has released a new 35-page unclassified document from the Department of Defense (DoD) called "Senior Leaders Brief COVID-19" that shows how the United States is being put at serious risk due to the Biden regime's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" mandate. Page 6 of the document, which addresses national security, highlights how the American military is being weakened by the removal of unvaccinated servicemen who refuse to modify their DNA and immune systems with Big Pharma poisons. Renz received this document, dated January 12, 2022, from a whistleblower. The section in question contains specific details about the number of military servicemen and civilian/contractors who have either had or rejected the jab mandate. After reviewing these details, Renz asked if the Biden regime is trying to purge the 25 percent of active military servicemen who have turned down the injection? Is the regime also planning to purge the 71 percent of civilians and contractors who are also choosing to leave their immune systems alone? "What will that do to America's national security?" Renz asked. "And who benefits from a weakened American military? How could this possibly be in the best interest of the safety and security of the United States? Why would you weaken our military while beating the war-drums against Russia?"

Don't let the tyrannizers destroy our military

Renz also uncovered smoking gun evidence showing that Fauci Flu shots have created a massive uptick in serious injuries in the military. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, or DMED for short, shows that pulmonary embolisms, heart attacks, strokes and many other health conditions are skyrocketing following the mass injection of servicemen with the Big Pharma cocktails. "We are sympathetic to our military members forced into this vaccine mandate," Renz said. "There's enough evidence now that these jabs are ineffective and unsafe. I'm calling on the American people to stand for our military heroes and push back against this tyrannical vaccine mandate. Share this information with your local Congressman. It's vital to national security." On February 18, Renz appeared and spoke at Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour in Canton, Ohio. He revealed all of this and more from the whistleblower, and encouraged attendees to speak up about it. You can watch ReAwaken America Tour events at Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently got the chance to speak with Renz about what he believes will happen moving forward. According to Renz, prosecutions are coming, but it is going to take some time to see it all culminate into something substantial. You can watch the "Brighteon Conversations" episode below. This video is from the "Health Ranger Report" on "Thomas Renz is an American hero," wrote a Brighteon viewer, impressed by Renz's resolve and determination to see justice served. "He needs to go down in the history books as the one attorney who took the lead and stood up to those who planned, financed (with our tax payer dollars) and executed the COVID holocaust." Another pointed out that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the guy who infamously called for a "Great Reset" to emerge out of the plandemic – comes from a family line of Nazis. "He was involved in the Nazi Nuclear Weapons Program of WW2," this person added. "The World Economic Forum, headed by Klaus Schwab, is the main driver of the covid plandemic." "He is to be known as Anal Swab from now on, please," joked someone else. "All this crap will continue until we actually bring criminal charges against the FDA, CDC, NIH, pharmaceutical industry and Fauci, along with the MSM for pushing false information," suggested another. More related news about the COVID "vaccine" genocide can be found at Sources include: