Canadian government freezes single mom’s bank account after she donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy
By ljdevon // 2022-02-24
Canadians are in the middle of a war. Their body autonomy and due process rights continue to be stripped, layer by layer, by a terrorist, totalitarian government. The Canadian government is now targeting individuals who support freedom, medical ethics, democracy and the rule of law by freezing their bank accounts. The Canadian government has claimed ownership over all Canadians. Anyone who protests for their livelihoods, their right to work or their basic civil liberties is now targeted by the criminals who run the Canadian government.

Canadian government is freezing bank accounts of innocents

According to Canadian politician Mark Strahl, the government is now targeting innocent people by freezing their bank accounts. On February 20th, the Canadian government froze the bank account of a single mom working a minimum wage job. The woman donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy, to help feed the people who are aren’t allowed to make a living in Canada any longer. “Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job,” Strahl wrote. The Chilliwack-Hope MP apologized for the single mom’s $50 donation and said “she gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal.” Intimidated by the totalitarians in power, Strahl wrote that the woman never “participated in any other way.” Still, “her bank account has now been frozen,” he wrote. “This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.” Strahl did not provide the media with any other details, because people who support the Freedom Convoy are being hunted and doxxed by the Canadian government. “Thank you to those who have read this and offered to help someone you’ve never met,” he wrote in a follow-up post on Twitter. “Shame on those who have read it and attacked someone you’ve never met. I will keep working with Briane to resolve this matter with her bank and will provide updates as they are made available.” “To those of you, especially the media, demanding more details on Briane, having seen what has been said about her online today and what has been done to other convoy donors in the last weeks I am not going to help you dox her. I know who she is and I won’t stop fighting for her,” he iterated. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have admitted to seizing 206 financial products and have targeted 253 bitcoin addresses. The have also targeted 56 entities associated with vehicles, individuals and companies related to the Freedom Convoy. “The RCMP has given to the financial institutions names of leaders and organizers of the protests and of people whose trucks were part of occupations and blockades. That is the only information given, according to the RCMP, that the RCMP has given to financial institutions.”

Trudeau’s terrorist government is destroying itself

Breaking people’s spirits down one mandate at a time, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau essentially declared he can force all Canadians to wear worthless medical devices indefinitely and take an endless number of covid shots -- while starving, oppressing and depriving every person of their basic freedoms if they do not comply. This has led to a critical moment in history, where people from all walks of life must come together and PROTEST the illegitimacy of government mandates and the unethical edicts of a totalitarian government. The Freedom Convoy demands vaccine freedom and full restoration of civil liberties, medical ethics and informed consent. The Freedom Convoy is showing the Canadian government and the tyrants around the world that they have a right to gather, to speak, to make a living and not be defiled by destructive medical experiments nor subjugated by government force. Instead of relinquishing his pride, Justin Trudeau hardened his heart and shut his ears, demanding absolute power and authority over the Canadian people and the Freedom Convoy. Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history, asserting dictatorial control over everyone’s lives. In this act, the Canadian government is destroying itself. Trudeau, with the endorsement of the Parliament, has suspended the rule of law and vanquished due process rights -- all to hunt down the people standing up for their freedoms and body autonomy rights. This terrorist government is now trampling and detaining innocent people, destroying businesses and property, committing larceny and threatening violence toward all political dissenters. That is not a free country. Sources include: