Canadian monetary regulator admits donations to "Freedom Convoy" had nothing to do with "terrorism"
By jdheyes // 2022-03-03
Once again, a Western 'democracy' has lied big time to its people, but what comes of it is anyone's guess, given that such lies are so commonplace now it is impossible to distinguish the truth. Canadians were told last month that the government had every right to 'regulate' and 'intercept' millions in donations to the "Freedom Convoy" truck drivers and their supporters because the money was actually supporting 'domestic terrorism.' While sane observers knew that was BS at the time, the country's currency regulator has now officially admitted as much. The deputy director of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre noted in a 'finding' that Canadians were "fed up with COVID and were upset and saw the demonstrations" as an outlet, and they "just wanted to support the cause." “It was their own money,” said the official, Barry MacKillop, in testimony to a House of Commons finance committee last week, as reported by Blacklock’s Reporter He also admitted that the money that was raised wasn't "cash that funded terrorism or was in any way money laundering," both accusations of which were absurd on their face, given that donors attempted to use a couple of very mainstream crowdfunding platforms -- GoFundMe, which wound up capitulating to the Canadian government; and GiveSendGo, a U.S.-based Christian-themed crowdfunding app. In addition, MacKillop noted that Freedom Convoy donations financially "supported the cause before it was declared illegal" by the same tyrants who leveled the "terrorism" accusations. According to the outlet, the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, after he invoked the Emergencies Act, used anti-terrorism funding laws to persecute some Canadians who had the audacity to believe they lived in a democracy and were still free enough to financially support a cause they believed in. Lifesite News adds further: The Freedom Convoy’s original GoFundMe page was canceled February 4 after raising more than $10 million. The group subsequently started a GiveSendGo page as a result. However, both Canadian and U.S. mainstream media outlets came under fire for using hacked information from the truckers’ GiveSendGo list to dox donors who donated to the cause. The hack of the Freedom Convoy’s GiveSendGo donor list was detailed and included one’s name, email address, IP address, and payment details, along with postal/zip codes. In addition to pressuring GoFundMe, Trudeau's left-wing authoritarians also tried to freeze donations made to the truckers via GiveSendGo on Feb. 14, when demonstrators had been in the capital of Ottawa for three weeks.

“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information,” Rachel Hollis, a spokeswoman for GoFundMe said in an email declaring cooperation with the Trudeau regime last month.

"Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the documentation to our team about how funds will be properly distributed,” the email continued.

“Our current government is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods,” the convoy’s GoFundMe page says.

“We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here,” the page continued.

The entire purpose of the Freedom Convoy was to push back on Trudeau's insane COVID-19 vaccine mandate for drivers who were by themselves for the bulk of their workday. But in fact, the COVID pandemic is obviously being used as a tool for further implementing tyrannical government. And left-wing big tech platforms had no issues with aiding the process.

Democracy is collapsing around the world, and freedom lovers will have to fight to keep it.

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