The recent headlines that proclaim Russia will not be exporting ammonium nitrate fertilizer for at least another month might not seem all that bad unless you know that they produce about 2/3rd of the world’s nitrogen fertilizer. The Russian news agency TASS said it is only a temporary measure, but are you willing to bet you and your families lives on it? Russia puts its citizens first, while the last year the US has put us last on its list of priorities. As Food Collapse dot com put it, “Russia’s leaders decided to prioritize their own country’s agriculture system first, and sell whatever is left over to the rest of the world. In the United States, contrarily, a policy of America Last has been the standard for at least the past several decades, other than a slight blip, some would argue, during the Donald Trump years.
Globalist greed, in other words, is why America is fast becoming dead last at everything in the world, while countries like Russia rise to the top while putting their own people first.” A loss of nitrogen fertilizers can drop crop production dramatically with some saying (depending on the crop and other factors) by up to half. My own veggie garden has shown that it can be more than that. Of course it does not help that the Weaver Fertilizer plant in North Carolina burned to the ground this month cancelling the effects that the new “world’s largest” nitrogen plant in Louisiana might produce. This fertilizer is made from a number of resources with natural gas being a major one. But what of the limited, finite natural resource fertilizers?
For the last couple of decades there has been an increasing problem with obtaining Phosphate fertilizers and has been called a “crises” for a few years now, with the largest supplies being mined in places like China, Algeria, Syria among others, and all are politically unstable or very anti-American. “Phosphate is an essential mineral for all life on Earth and is added to farmers’ fields in huge quantities. But rock phosphate is a finite resource and the biggest supplies are mined in politically unstable places, posing risks to the many countries that have little or no reserves….. humanity could only produce half the food it does without phosphate and nitrogen” said The Guardian three years ago, and it can only get worse.
The World Economic Forum about a month ago said “Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast” from the recent Davos agenda meeting and came up with some of the most ridiculous bull effluent I have ever seen on global destruction if we did not follow their insane mandates, let alone what all of the other evil constructs they have come up with. Major news sources around the world then used that catchphrase exactly in their articles on this supposed scare just as they were instructed to by their managers that went to Davos. Please note that I am not going off script in mentioning that Vlad Putin said “conflicts are multiplying, and the situation "might develop unpredictably and uncontrollably if we sit on our hands and do nothing” and we are in an era “just like the 1930’s”. He is not sitting on his hands and the loss of the massive breadbasket of Europe in the Ukraine farming industry as well as other world production is in danger. War is hell on food production of all sorts and has been a major cause of famine and deaths by starvation all through history. Don’t forget that the Great Reset as described by the Davos crowd also came up with the line “You will own nothing and you will be happy” and we must assume that also means food storage and any other preparedness items.
Although all three of the statements in Kissinger’s statement are true, we are primarily concerned with the first of those and we do realize that the other two are the primary controls of the power to control the first. Control the money, you control the energy output, and control the energy you control how much food can be produced. That is the central theme of the Great Reset; absolute control of ALL human life. This agenda is supported by likely all major power structures in this evil world and includes the UN, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the European Union, all global ‘think tanks’, and so many others. The Guardian had an article that the equivalent of Covid is required every two years to keep us safe within the limits of global heating. That is insane! The world is NOT heating but slowly COOLING in its natural 11,000 year cycles that is controlled by the Sun, not man, and God controls the Sun. In that same Davos gathering the WEF tweeted that lock downs improve cities, which they promptly deleted. No problem, I found a video that covers the claims as shown in this linked video. If they claim that much reduction in pollution and then claim they need this same reduction every two years for ten years, what sort of a minimalist caveman society do you think can survive? Would you like a script of what is coming, what they are working on next? You can get this 2010 document here as a download from the Rockefeller Foundation and shows they planned out in advance “pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” (Klaus Schwab).
What does this have to do with food controls? Control the environment of not just the world’s climate but also business, economies, politics, wars and so forth and you control the food supply just as we went over regarding Henry Kissinger’s ideas.
In October 2020 Martin Armstrong answered the question “I just want to be prepared. How long is the famine supposed to happen? 1-2 years? More?” and answered it thusly: “These lockdowns have already set in motion a reduction in the food supply. In the United States, there were temporary shortages of certain foods. You can see plenty of videos where farms lost 100% of their crops because they could not get the food into the supply chain. The greatest problem we have is that many farmers were hurt by the COVID-19 restrictions. The same was taking place in Australia. Then there have been climate issues with great floods in China.
We see that food prices should rise between 2022 into 2024 more aggressively but this should be from shortages. There is a 17.2-year cycle in famine. This is what has emerged from our database which extends back to 2200BC. There are times when famine results in war. The last major famine, for example, in North Korea (1994-1998) killing at least 600,000 from starvation. This next famine will begin in 2022 and will extend into 2028/2029 in varying parts of the world. Therefore, it is not consistent with one particular area. However, this attempt for the Great Reset is also pushing the crisis in reducing the food supply at a time when we should be stockpiling it.” This same question/answer is duplicated one year later in The Burning Platform article with the same graphic as shown below. The plandemic is just a part of the globalists Satanic plan to depopulate the Earth and includes pre planned starvation, pre planned famine.
And right on schedule, the UN said that “41 million people in 43 countries “are teetering on the very edge of famine”, up from 27 million two years ago” and that was eight months ago. They added that “Hunger has risen due to conflict, climate change and economic shocks, WFP said. However, soaring prices for basic foods have also compounded the situation, with the global cost of maize rising almost 90 per cent year-on-year, for example.“ And this is before inflation became such a problem, at least here in the USA, but is worse in Africa where those planned famines are located.
“The concept of food shortages has gone from theoretical to real” said Investment Watch in October 2020, and blamed lack of workers because of the fake plandemic for it. But at least they added that “Food shortage is no longer a conspiracy theory….While there’s still some time to prepare, events are unfolding quickly….the global supply chain is no longer a reliable source of food”. How true that is my friends. Jim Goodman on Common Dreams added back in 2010 that “The food crisis of 2008 never really ended, it was ignored and forgotten. The rich and powerful are well fed; they had no food crisis, no shortage, so in the West, it was little more than a short lived sound bite, tragic but forgettable. To the poor in the developing world, whose ability to afford food is no better now than in 2008, the hunger continues.” Yes, and it is getting far worse than that 2008 and will not let up for some time.
Why is this so, other than the elitists are planning it this way? According to Yale Climate Connections the top ten global weather and climate events were;
1 – The most extreme heat wave in history, with 121 degrees on June 29 in British Columbia Canada and 110 degrees on the same date in Washington state.
2 – Hurricane Ida, the fifth costliest weather disaster in world history.
3 – European summer floods were the costliest weather disaster in European history.
4 – Flooding in China was the third costliest weather disaster in Asian history.
5 – Second costliest sinter weather disaster in world history was the February cold wave in central US
6 – July 2021 was the Earths warmest month is recorded history.
7 – A key Atlantic Ocean current is near collapse.
8 – A wild 2021 Atlantic hurricane season
9 – Two unprecedented December US tornado and severe weather outbreaks.
10 – And the most flakey call is the bad news from a “key glacier in Antarctica”
No, I do not quite believe their claims as being all real, but the trend is still clear. Also notice that there are as many record cold as record heat systems and it will continue to get worse. True, this is only one aspect of the reason for global starvation, but it is a very significant one even without the worlds Satan worshipping elites doing their intentional push for it.
Ice storms in Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee. Severe earthquakes in Iran, Argentina, Turkey, Asia, New Zealand, Japan and the Philippines. A volcano that all but eliminated Tonga from the world’s maps. Severe flooding in the mid and south east USA, Mexico and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia. A very rare snowstorm in Israel. We could blame it all on acts of man and his actions with the environment with pollution, intentional reflecting of the sun’s rays using sprayed metals in the upper atmosphere and so forth, or we could say it is all just an act of God, or blame it all on the Grand Solar Minimum, but the fact is it is and will be resulting in the mass starvation of millions if not billions. Despite the ludicrous claims that man made CO2 is somehow driving the earth’s climate, the actual science (not the pretend one that politics mandates) is that by far the most influential driver of our planets climate is the Sun and its predictable cycles.
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