Banker says civilization has a 10% chance of collapsing due to nuclear war
By ethanh // 2022-03-08
Peter Berezin, the global chief strategist at BCA Research, published a note claiming that civilization currently has about 10 percent chance of collapsing due to nuclear war. Entitled "Rising Risk Of A Nuclear Apocalypse," the note explained that "the risk of Armageddon has risen dramatically" and now sits at an "uncomfortably high 10% chance" of turning into a nuclear fallout wasteland. "If Putin feels that he has no future, he may try to take everyone down with him," Berezin alleged about the current crisis in Ukraine. "The collapse in the ruble, and what is sure to be a major plunge of living standards across Russia, could foment internal opposition to Putin. A quiet retirement is not an option for him." While "there is a huge margin of error around any estimate," Berezin admits about his calculations, he is sure that over the next 12 months, the risk of nuclear war stands about a one in 10 chance. "Even if World War III is ultimately averted, markets could experience a freak-out moment over the next few weeks, similar to what happened at the outset of the pandemic: Google searchers for nuclear war are already spiking," Berezin further claims. By the way, FEMA recommends wearing a mask and avoiding human contact if a nuclear war happens to minimize the risk of COVID transmission. Pathetic.

Are the financial talking heads prepping everyone for another market collapse?

Berezin said he feels as though the markets today are reminiscent "of early 2020" when they veered towards correction territory following the declaration of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic. On February 21 of that year, Berezin penned another note called "Markets Too Complacent About The Coronavirus" that set the stage for what now appears to have been an engineered mini-collapse followed by two years of cover-up tyranny. Berezin aggressively fearmongered at that time, claiming that the plandemic could result in "20 million deaths worldwide." "This would likely trigger a global downturn as deep as the Great Recession of 2008/09, with the only consolation being that the recovery would be much more rapid than the one following the financial crisis." Both the crash of '08 and the mini-crash of 2020 were caused by Wall Street and central banking corruption, of course. Fiat monetary policy has been inflating bubbles and watching them pop for many decades, and this time around is no different. The only difference is that this next one could be the big one that real money apologists like Ron Paul warned about repeatedly. Could it be that the world has reached the end of fiat money and is about to transition to a new global economic order, with nuclear war as the cover? Time will certainly tell, but all of this alarmism and all of the distractions that go along with it certainly is suspicious. The corporate-controlled media was already caught blaming February's inflation numbers on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, even though Vladimir Putin had not yet invaded Ukraine at the time they were calculated. "I'm getting more and more firmly in the camp of this is all scripted to cover for the COVID war crimes and failing financial system to justify a 'great reset,'" wrote someone at Zero Hedge. "I mean, they have told us they are going to do this if you listen. The timing is just too convenient. Not saying I know this with some moral certainty, but as the author says, if I'm wrong we're all dead anyway." Someone else responded to this with: "It was a seamless transition, wasn't it?" "One day Fauci is the global messiah," said another. "The next day Zelensky is and you can't find Fauci on a milk carton." More related news can be found at Sources include: