Owen Shroyer blasts Biden administration for using Mafia tactics to bring down opposition
By royluarca // 2022-03-08
The Biden administration is now applying Mafia tactics to silence the opposition and protect its clan. InfoWars host Owen Shroyer made this assertion as guest host in a recent episode of "The Alex Jones Show." Shroyer should know. He had experienced the bullying before and could see it happening again. This time, though, he isn't the lone target. The coercion has extended to his family – his mother, in particular. "Now, they're coming after my family. My family, Roger," Shroyer told his guest Roger Stone. "This is Mafia gangster tactics that our government is now involved in." "They're going after innocent people's families. And that's mine," Shroyer continued. " And so as far as I know, as the situation stands, I am still the only individual who never stepped foot in the Capitol, never touched a police officer, never touched a barrier, never touched anything that day. And I'm facing charges." Shroyer, a political activist, was among those charged by the government in connection with the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. He didn't mind the legal threat since it had been wielded on him before when he disrupted the impeachment hearing of then-President Donald Trump in late 2019 and was made to sign an agreement to refrain from protest activity again. But Shroyer won't be an idle watcher and was among those seen in the proximity of Capitol Hill when the January 6 incident unfolded. (Related: Jan. 6 incident: Security footage suggests strong possibility of an inside job.)

Going after family just like Mafia

Prosecutors charged him with a misdemeanor for crossing police lines and egging on the crowd during the protest rally. Perhaps to force Shroyer to kowtow, the government, through the House Jan. 6  Committee, issued a subpoena to his mother – Annette Shroyer – on February 10 seeking her phone records. The reason given is she's a supposed associate of Alex Jones, the owner of InfoWars. Shroyer refuted the story and threatened to sue Daily Mail for defamation. According to Shroyer, his mother has never been to Austin, Texas, where Jones is based, and has never met anybody that works in InfoWars apart from him, of course. Stone, a political adviser to U.S. presidents, including Trump, commiserated with Shroyer. "Yeah, it is absolutely outrageous.  Your case seems to me to be a trend travesty, I can't figure out what you allegedly did wrong. In fact, I think you did nothing wrong," said Stone. "You didn't hurt anybody. You didn't break anything. You didn't steal anything. You didn't go into the Capitol, you didn't break into the Capitol. Your mere presence on the outskirts of the capital, which by the way is the People's House, they've now decided is a crime." Stone is hopeful Trump will also extend legal help to the January 6 detainees "so that they can have a fair trial, so they can have due process." After all, according to Stone, "they were exercising their First Amendment rights, the right to free assembly, the right to redress the government, until they made the strategic mistake of trespassing." Stone and Shroyer couldn't understand the lukewarm treatment the political prisoners have been getting not only from the conservative media but the Republicans as well. Either they were bribed just to stay neutral or threatened to remain silent. And if they chose to be stubborn like Shroyer, their families may have to suffer repercussions as well. That's the Mafia way.

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Watch the video below to know more about the allegations of Owen Shroyer that the J6 Committee is targeting the family of the defendants in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill siege. This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com. Follow BigGovernment.news for more stories about government intimidation. Sources include: Brighteon.com APNews.com Ballotpedia.org