All of the sudden, natural immunity, human rights, the rights of children to breathe fresh air, and a whole host of other sane ideas are the new normal. It is fascinating, even if a bit surprising. However, the change is welcome — even if the leaders are disingenuous in their change. But we mustn’t let our guards down and miss the subtle truth-bombs that they are now letting come to light. No matter how many pounds of dirt they attempt to bury on the truth of what has happened, even the most zealous of COVID zero maniacs cannot keep the truth hidden forever. Sure, they can certainly obfuscate the narrative through fear-invoking propaganda, which they have done quite successfully. However, as time passes, it becomes more evident to more people each day that many of the claims of the COVID crowd have either never come true, or the opposite has turned out to be true. And now it is clear that literally nothing the “experts” have done has worked at all.Premier of Ontario Doug Ford admits that the Vaccine Passport Program was a massive failure. Ends
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) February 15, 2022
To put it in perspective, they have had case numbers approaching the same number of cases that have been seen in large American states with over 20 million inhabitants — New Zealand has around five million residents.
COVID zealots will point to New Zealand’s very low overall death tally, but those same zealots are curiously silent on sub-Saharan African nations who have faired better than most Western nations with virtually none of the same resources or mitigation measures. It seems that New Zealand did not beat COVID, and it turns out New Zealanders are a bit mad they have been locked down over and over only to find themselves in this position. I wonder if the Kiwis are still keen on trusting the “experts.”? Maori People Perform Powerful Haka Dance in Protest of #NewZealand COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
— Sam | ?? | ? | ?| ? (@Rudio1John) February 20, 2022
“Thanks to our high vaccination rates and natural immunity … as well as the arrival of other therapeutics …” Hold on, did he just admit that natural immunity was real? What did he mean by therapeutics? He wouldn’t dare suggest there was another way to deal with a virus than by wearing a used cloth mask or an experimental jab, would he? Now, a covidian would explain away the new virus-revelation by saying achieving natural immunity is a more achievable goal because the overhyped omicron is not so severe. Even if that were the case, immunity does not depend on whether or not you feel better or worse while sick. Millions of Ontarians and people in other regions have been diagnosed with COVID, and therefore they would be immune as well. But, what do I know? I am not an “expert.” It is said that the truth shall set you free. Well, perhaps we can be free of the liars who did their best to hide the truth for so long — that would be a start. Read more at: LifeSiteNews.comOntario's Chief Medical Officer announces the end of mask mandates in most settings, while also confirming that masks will return if a new variant surfaces.
MORE: — Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) March 9, 2022
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