Computer repairman who turned over Hunter Biden's revealing laptop to Feds harassed, shunned nearly to bankruptcy
By jdheyes // 2022-03-16
The American deep state is as ruthless as it is secretive, sparring no citizen its wrath when challenged -- and it was challenged, big time, right before the 2020 election that its operatives were busy stealing from then-President Donald Trump. In the weeks before the election, all of the deep state's carefully laid and executed plans to use the pandemic as an excuse to justify mass mail-in balloting -- which resulted in literally millions of ballots being fabricated and stuffed in ballot boxes in key states to pretend that Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes -- were in danger of collapsing thanks to revelations contained in New York Post exclusive reporting about Hunter Biden and his dishonest daddy, then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The Post reported on shady business deals and arrangements engaged in by Hunter Biden, who was exploiting his father's global connections to land lucrative positions and make business deals while kicking back a portion of at least 10 percent to his dad. The information came from a laptop Hunter abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware, a copy of which had been leaked to the paper by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. That shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, had turned the device over to the FBI because of content he found on it -- which included, according to reports, potentially illegal activity involving underaged girls as well as money laundering. But since those initial stories appeared and following additional reporting and interviews he himself has done, Mac Isaac has been targeted by Democrats and the left-wing deep state for personal economic destruction, of which he is on the verge. In a new report, The Post notes he "says he’s faced harassment from Big Tech, the IRS and other government agencies ever since, and now faces bankruptcy." “I was getting a lot of death threats,” Mac Isaac said. “I had to have a Wilmington trooper parked in front of my shop all the time. “There were multiple situations where people came in and you could tell they were not there to have a computer fixed. And if there were not other people in the shop, I don’t know what would have happened,” he told The Post. “I was having vegetables, eggs, dog s–t thrown at the shop every morning.” The paper continued: Mac Isaac, 45, said his life was completely upended after the laptop contents became public in a series of reports by The New York Post in October 2020. The laptop came into Mac Isaac’s possession after the future president’s son dropped it off for repairs in April 2019 and never came back. The hard drive contained a trove of emails, text messages, photos and financial documents between Hunter Biden and his family and business associates. The files show a laundry list of shady business deals around the world with Hunter Biden looking to cash in on his family and connections. It became so bad for him that he was forced to close his shop at Trolley Square and leave the state Nov. 5, 2020, just two days after the stolen election. He says he then spent the bulk of a year hiding out with family in Lakewood, Colo., while also attending woodworking courses. He eventually applied for unemployment benefits in December 2020, but he said that he ran into problems with government officials. “I would open up a case, wouldn’t hear anything, then open another case, then open another case and then I was told to stop opening up cases. And they would keep closing these cases,” he said. As his bills piled up, Mac Isaac was forced to tap into his 401K, but those checks never came. A year later, in December 2021, the former computer repairman then sent a direct letter to Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a long-time colleague of Biden's, in which he warned, “I would hate to think that I was singled out in a politically motivated attack. If a state agency was weaponized to punish a perceived political enemy, the country has a right to know." Afterward, Mac Isaac said the unemployment checks came quickly, but he insists that he still wound up on the short end by several thousand dollars. And, worse, he has also received what he has taken as threats from the feds. “I got an invoice on Sept 6. 2021 for a tax return in 2016. I took it to an accountant friend of mine who said they don’t go back that far unless they’re looking for something,” Mac Isaac said. He paid the $57.75 very quickly because he didn't want any trouble. “We have all seen how weaponized the IRS has become over the last decade, so I wasn’t about to pick a fight,” he said. “Bankruptcy looks like my only option,” he said, adding that after he lost his business, he now mostly sustains himself with odd jobs. “A buddy of mine does estate clean outs, manual labor. I helped a neighbor redo their porch and I’m trying to do more with woodworking.” Anyone who doesn't believe there isn't a vindictive Democrat-run deep state isn't a serious person. Sources include: