Why were men who possessed child pornography worthy of drastically reduced sentences, but not the man who, as Jackson seems to believe, thought he was attacking a hub of child sex traffickers? I’m certainly not saying that Welsh was motivated by proper morals or accurate information when he stormed Comet Ping Pong, by any means. I am saying you’d think it would be more worthy of note that she had these ties to wild conspiracy theories about pedophiles in high places and she also ideologically fights for leniency for child pornographers. You know? I mean, the White House even linked Hawley’s attacks on the QAnon conspiracy theory, which came after Pizzagate and bears many similarities. And you know, it’s always seemed odd to me that the Democratic Party scoffs at Pizzagate/QAnon-type conspiracy theories about pedophilia in high places, only to turn around and emphatically defend teaching wildly progressive values on sexuality to small schoolchildren, regardless of how their taxpaying parents feel about the matter. I mean, President Joe Biden himself once voluntarily made a bizarre reference to the wilder theories that powerful politicians feed on the blood of the children, all on his own, without being asked about it. The majority of Americans — who are upset about the degree to which our society seems to be headed down the dangerous path of normalizing pedophilia and the sexualization of children — don’t need to spend an hour going down a YouTube rabbit hole to see there’s something really concerning going on here. We just need to follow the mainstream news. I mean … you don’t need to be a Q fanatic to be a bit concerned about the trajectory of the American left’s sexual ethics, here. Yet, thanks to the hysterical tribalistic rhetoric of our time, many left-leaning Americans are being given the impression that any and all concerns over a deliberate attempt to normalize pedophilia are false nonsense, to which no decent, upstanding citizen pays the slightest bit of attention. If the establishment media and the Democrats had been interested in it, a major scandal could have arisen surrounding Jackson’s history of going soft on child pornographers and also being linked to the Pizzagate shooter case — the latter, if only because it’s a rather politicized case. And let’s not kid ourselves: Jackson’s nomination to the court is only the latest in a long series of incredibly politicized nominations. So why, at a time when the increase of child pornography is one of the most indescribably evil ills our country is facing, was it not a bigger deal that Jackson had this in her past? All this, mind you, while an ideology that regards sexuality as an inborn trait that cannot be changed and must not be subject to moralizing — as is the “sex-positive” philosophy behind both Comprehensive Sexuality Education and the sorts of entities that work to “destigmatize” pedophilia — enjoys the emphatic support of tribalistic modern culture warriors who regard anything other than the doctrine of woke political correctness as bigoted, ignorant and woefully ill-informed. Are Americans brushing off one of the most pressing social issues of our time because they think the only people who are upset by it are crazy, right-wing nutjobs? Has the fight to normalize sexuality among children become the new culture war front? That’s a truly terrifying thought. For all you believers out there, this sounds like something about which we need to go on our knees and wage spiritual war against in prayer for our children and their future. Read more at: WesternJournal.comIn the case of United States v. Hawkins, the sex offender had multiple images of child porn. He was over 18. The Sentencing Guidelines called for a sentence of up to 10 years. Judge Jackson sentenced the perpetrator to only 3 months in prison. Three months.
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 16, 2022In United States v. Chazin, the offender had 48 files of child porn, which he had accessed over a period of years. The Guidelines recommended 78-97 months. Judge Jackson gave him 28.
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 16, 2022In United States v. Savage, the sex offender was convicted of travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct, and also admitted to transporting child porn. The Guidelines recommended 46-57 months. Judge Jackson gave him 37.
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) March 16, 2022
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