Disney CEO apologizes to LGBT zealots for not pushing enough gender and sexuality perversion on children
By ethanh // 2022-04-17
In a truly pathetic display of gross capitulation to the forces of evil ruling the Western world right now, Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek has apologized to the Cult of LGBT for supposedly not pushing enough gender and sexuality perversion on children. In a video statement to the LGBT "community" – watch below – Chapek gushed with sorrow for failing to groom children at the level required to satisfy homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders and others who identify something other than the normal male and female. "By now, I hope you've all read my most recent note in which I pledge to be a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community, apologize for not being the ally that you needed me to be, and committed to ensuring that our company lives up to its values," Chapek gushed before his virtual audience. "I meant every word. And that's what we're here to talk about today. I know that we've got work to do and that work starts with listening. I'm glad the company will hear from today's panel of LGBTQ+ employees, and I hope that you are as impacted as I've been by the voices that I've heard over the past few weeks."

Chapek complains about Florida's anti-grooming bill, says Disney failed to stand up against it

Chapek went on to talk about all of the feedback he has received recently from LGBTs, including those who work for Disney. Based on what they told him, Chapek said he has been greatly impacted to take action. "I've read many emails that have been sent, spoken with LGBTQ+ employees and their allies, met with advocacy groups and convened my own leadership team, and I have been taken by the honesty, the openness, and the urgency of their stories," he said. "I want you to know that your words have made a real impact on me. I understand that we've made mistakes, and the pain that those mistakes have caused, and I know that our silence wasn't just about the bill in Florida, but about every time an individual or institution that should have stood up for this community did not." Chapek concluded his speech by claiming that he is committed to pushing the LGBT agenda and using Disney to catalyze societal change in favor of that agenda whenever and wherever possible. "I and the leadership team are determined to use this moment as a catalyst for more meaningful and lasting change," he said. "We've heard many suggestions on how to do that, and we are working to move quickly. I want to thank the LGBTQIA+ Advisory Council, their allies, and everyone else who submitted ideas on how we can take action. I am convening a meeting with all my direct reports and representatives of the Advisory Council to discuss the thoughtful suggestions that have been made. But we know the moment requires urgency and words are not enough, so we are taking some actions right now." In other words, it is urgent for Disney and its LGBT partners to come up with fast solutions for indoctrinating, brainwashing and grooming more children into a perverse lifestyle. And Chapek is committed to making that happen with the help of Disney consumers. The latest news about Disney and the LGBT push can be found at Gender.news. Sources include: CitizenFreePress.com NaturalNews.com