Alabama officially bans transgender grooming of children
By ethanh // 2022-04-18
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law two bills that aim to stop teachers and other school officials from pushing transgender "therapy" on their students. House Bill 322 and Senate Bill 184 together prohibit sexual indoctrination of children at school, as well as outlaw the promotion of hormone blockers, genital mutilation and gender reassignment surgery. "I believe very strongly that if the Good Lord made you a boy, you are a boy, and if he made you a girl, you are a girl," Ivey stated. "We should especially protect our children from these radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries when they are at such a vulnerable stage in life." The legislation also bans K-12 students from using bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex – meaning only men in the men's room, and only women in the women's room. "Here in Alabama, the men use the men's room, and the ladies use the ladies' room," Ivey added. Sex talk at public schools throughout Alabama will now be a thing of the past, at least legally speaking. There will surely be rogue "instructors" who try to do it anyway, but they will have to learn the hard way that Alabama no longer tolerates that kind of thing. Much like the anti-grooming bill passed in Florida, this pair of bills in Alabama aims to protect children from pedophiles and child predators while receiving an education. "This bill will also ensure our elementary school classrooms remain free from any kind of sex talk," Ivey revealed. "Let me be clear to the media and to opponents who like to incorrectly dub this the 'Don't Say Gay' amendment: That is misleading, false and just plain wrong. We don't need to be teaching young children about sex."

Ivey also signed executive order defying Biden's COVID jab mandates

Last fall, as you may recall, Ivey signed an executive order directing all government agencies throughout Alabama to ignore Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" mandates. Ivey said at the time that Biden's mandates "rest on dubious grounds" and "constitute significant federal overreach." Attorney General Steve Marshall was also on board with this, as Ivey urged state agencies to "cooperate to the fullest extent possible" with him on the matter. Private companies in Alabama could still choose to mandate the injections, but the executive order was designed to help in legal battles against the Biden regime's efforts to mandate the shots federally. It is better than nothing, but not quite up to par in terms of fully defending health freedom in Alabama. At least children there will no longer have to put up with grooming from sexual predators at school. "Just as the Death Angel in Exodus passed over the Hebrew homes where the blood had been applied with hyssop ... so Alabama could be spared some of God's judgement for America’s crimes against humanity," wrote someone in response to the news about the anti-grooming bills in Alabama. "Public schools have no business teaching sex at any grade level," said another. However, several others pointed out that Ivey's plandemic policies were among the worst in the South, and that they have not forgotten how she barely stood up to tyranny. "I live in Alabama and if we actually had a candidate running against the joke Kay Ivey, she would be going in 2023," one of them wrote. "She's a joke and her Covid policies were the worst in the South. She old, a drunk and her commercials are embarrassing. More related news can be found at Sources include: