CBC retracts fake news fabrication about Freedom Convoy donations coming from "foreign entities," but the damage has already been done
By ethanh // 2022-03-18
Canada's CBC News has retracted a story it published containing falsehoods about the donors to the Freedom Convoy. But what good does it do now that the misinformation has already spread, resulting in escalated government tyranny against free speech? CBC had falsely reported that the convoy was "heavily funded by foreign entities," the implication being that foreign enemies and terrorists were funding the protests. It turns out that this was completely made-up. Justin Trudeau's regime, however, took the false information at face value (or perhaps planted it there in the first place?) and used it as an excuse to seize people's bank accounts and criminalize the convoy supporters. Trudeau also seized the opportunity to invoke the Emergencies Act, granting himself dictatorial powers over the Canadian people. The national broadcaster's retraction, which is dated March 7, reads as follows: "On Feb. 10, 2022, in a report about the protest convoy, CBC Radio's The World This Hour incorrectly said GoFundMe ended a fundraiser for the protesters over questionable donations to the group. In fact, GoFundMe ruled the fundraiser was in violation of their terms of service, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment."

CBC was already blaming Russia for the Freedom Convoy before Putin even invaded Ukraine

It turns out that CBC published not one but two bogus "news" stories falsely linking the Freedom Convoy to what one Twitter user described as "shadowy intl puppet-masters." "But these conspiracy theories did their job ... giving the government the cover it needed to pretend there was a national emergency," this same person wrote. It was late January when the first fake news piece from CBC was released via its flagship political show "Power and Politics." Not surprising is the fact that "Russian actors" were blamed for influencing the convoy. CBC's assertion that made-up Russian actors "could be continuing to fuel things ... perhaps even instigating it from the outside" was proven to be 100 percent false. Keep in mind that this all occurred before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illustrating once again that the mainstream media loves to blame Russia for everything it does not like. A few weeks after blaming "Russian actors" for the Freedom Convoy, CBC poisoned the minds of its readers and listeners once again by claiming that "thousands of suspicious" foreign donations had been sent to the truckers, and that this number might have only been a "fraction" of the total foreign influence. This immediately provided Trudeau the cover he needed to invoke the Emergencies Act, which he quickly retracted following massive public outcry. A non-partisan group in the Canadian Parliament is now reportedly investigating the situation. Both GoFundMe and another similar platform called GiveSendGo have debunked and renounced CBC's false claims. GoFundMe CEO Juan Benitez even testified before Parliament that almost 90 percent of the funding that came through that platform originated in Canada, and that the majority of the donations were small and personal, proving that the movement was grassroots. GiveSendGo testified similarly after auditing its platform. The deputy director of Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC) also testified much the same thing before the House of Commons finance committee. Dr. Jordan Peterson followed up with a tweet pointing out that CBC is directly responsible for Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act. The fake news it spread destroyed many lives, not to mention the international reputation of Canadian banks, Peterson highlighted. "This means that the entire story [Justin Trudeau] told to justify the 'emergency' was an utter lie," Peterson added. "[CBC News] this is far beyond your normal hapless incompetence and borders on both the traitorous and criminal. Canadians should demand your defunding now." More related news can be found at Hoax.news. Sources for this article include: LifeSiteNews.com NaturalNews.com