Roger Stone launches new channel on Brighteon, already making a major impact
By jdheyes // 2022-04-04
Former close associate of President Donald Trump and longtime GOP advocate Roger Stone is back, and this time he has a new channel on the fast-growing video platform, where he has already posted a number of hard-hitting reports. The Roger Stone Brighteon Channel features a clip of an interview he did with top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson for his long-form interview program on the network's streaming service, Fox Nation. In that interview, Stone says he's confident that elements of the U.S. Secret Service attempted to set him up during the chaotic Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building, which we have long known was little more than a false flag operation to blame Trump and destroy his chances of ever being president again. "I watched the president's speech from my hotel room at the Willard Hotel, and then there was a call on the house phone and two agents from the Secret Service wanted to escort me to the Capitol," Stone told Carlson with a grin. "Now, I've been in politics for a long time. [The] Secret Service doesn't do political chores, they never have. "I would have gotten [to the Capitol] had I left at that moment at the exact time that these folks broke in to the Capitol," he said. "Now I know that my friends Alex Jones and Ali Alexander are approached by the Secret Service and asked if they want an escort to the Capitol at the same time. Had Alex Jones not stopped for a bathroom break, they would have gotten there just as the building was being penetrated. "As it was, they got there afterwards, and you can see it: Jones jumps up on a chair with a bullhorn and says, 'No! Don't go into the building! Pull back! This is a peaceful demonstration,'" Stone continued. "He tried to stop it, and that's a fact." "So you think Trump's Secret Service was involved?" Carlson asked. "I don't know why they'd want to escort me to the Capitol where I had already decided not to go," Stone responded, going on to explain that he does not know what led him to stay away from the Capitol and Trump's speech other than he just had a foreboding feeling that something may happen. WATCH: In another clip, Stone tells America's Voice host Dan Ball that the Democrat-controlled Jan. 6 Select Committee to 'investigate' the riot is nothing more than a sham aimed at further discrediting Trump and to target his supporters -- like Stone. "Let me be as clear as I possibly can: Any claim, assertion, implication that I knew about, or was involved in any way, in the illegal acts at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is categorically false," he told Ball, pushing back on statements by far-left 'journalists' who have said otherwise. "There's no evidence and no witness[es] to the contrary. This is, yet again, an attempt to use my name as clickbait and to criminalize perfectly legal, constitutionally protected political activity," he added. "Yes, I did speak on January 5. No, I never advocated that anyone do anything illegal including hurt other people. But, once again, there are all of these insinuations they use" including "guilt by association," which is one of the oldest dirty political tricks in the book. WATCH: In yet another clip, Stone predicts that Republicans will win big in 2022 and "take America back," while he went on to lay out a plan for how Trump can return to the Oval Office before 2024 -- and it is not something you want to miss. WATCH: Stone has been an outspoken advocate of freedom, liberty and justice for nearly five decades. To keep up with his latest news and revelations, subscribe to his Brighteon channel. Sources include: