Legal group says Canadian COVID policies are inconsistent, ineffective and damaging
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-03-18
It has been two years since provincial governments in Canada announced and imposed school closures and other lockdown measures for a two-week period to "flatten the curve" against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). They suggested that it was a necessary move to "protect" the health care system. Two weeks turned into two years. And yet, the federal, provincial and municipal governments have done nothing but violate the freedoms of Canadians – their freedom to move, travel, associate, assemble, worship or even exercise control over their own bodies. Two years and Canadians still cannot fly on airplanes unless they have taken the right number of COVID vaccine doses as determined by the federal government. Lawyer John Carpay, president of legal organization group Justice Center, said: "Most provinces have done away with the discriminatory vaccine passports that turned the vaccine-free into second-class citizens, but provincial governments can re-introduce this vicious discrimination at any time, without warning." He also said that the past two years of the government violating its citizens' Charter rights and freedoms are based on false predictions that equated COVID to the Spanish flu of 1918. "The fear is not based on facts, but the irrational fear still has a hold on the minds and hearts of some Canadians." In a paper, the Justice Center outlines how federal and provincial governments, in the guise of following science, have enacted inconsistent, ineffective and damaging measures in an attempt to eradicate the virus – which has not been proven deadly for the overwhelming majority. (Related: Canada's COVID-19 lockdowns have not provided any benefits to Canadians.) The report looks back and analyzes the COVID-19 lockdowns in the light of science, taking into account the widespread economic, physical and psychological damage that the policies inflicted. Carpay also went on to say they have asked Canada's federal and provincial governments about their cost-benefit analysis of lockdown measures. He noted that to their knowledge, not one of Canada's governments has conducted a thorough review of lockdown benefits versus harms. The absurd mandates that have been imposed on Canadians have caused the erosion of public confidence in the authorities. The failure of the new mRNA vaccines to create herd immunity and its failure to stop the spread of the virus is one example of an illogical and arbitrary measure that is documented as they were imposed across Canada. "As we now enter our third year of Charter violations, the Justice Center will continue to hold governments accountable in court," Carpay went on.

Restrictions ease, but not for high-risk Canadians

Meanwhile, some high-risk Canadians have complained about being overlooked as restrictions ease. "While experts and disability activists say there had been calls for the inclusion and prioritization of people with disabilities, it just hasn't happened," said Hilary Brown, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto's Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Many provinces cited their high vaccination rates and lower levels of viral circulation as reasons to drop or relax their COVID-19 rules such as mask requirements, vaccine passports, capacity limits and mandatory immunization policies. However, in response to inquiries about how this shift will affect high-risk individuals, officials merely emphasized further control by saying that people can still take "personal precautions," such as wearing a mask. (Related: Protesters in Alberta say they won't end their demonstration until all COVID restrictions are rescinded.) Brown found this type of thinking to be problematic. "It places the burden of responsibility for protection on the individual rather than making it a structural and systemic responsibility. That disproportionately negatively impacts people with disabilities," she said. Statistics Canada said 14 percent of adults have a condition that compromises their immune systems, and several studies suggest the immune response triggered by vaccines is "substantially decreased" in some immunocompromised individuals. The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to push for mask-wearing for these high-risk individuals, despite face coverings no longer being required for public spaces. Follow for more news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video below to see Canadians call for the elimination of COVID-19 restrictions and mandates. This video is from the Chinese taking down EVIL CCP channel on

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