Ashish Jha, Biden's new COVID-19 Coordinator, wants everyone to have "vaccine passports"
By ethanh // 2022-03-22
The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic is far from over, thanks to fake president Joe Biden. The Resident-in-Chief's new COVID-19 Coordinator, Ashish Jha, an Indian native, is pushing a new covid "vaccine passport" scheme because he claims that "we aren't anywhere near the end of this pandemic." Just when it seemed like the nightmare might be finally going away due to the conflict in Ukraine, along comes Jha to announce that he would like to force Americans to show proof of covid injection in order to fly, for instance. Jha, who is replacing Jeff Zients and his deputy Natalie Quillian next month, is the current dean of Brown University's School of Public Health. Jha has repeatedly praised Tony Fauci of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), calling him his personal "role model." The corporate-controlled media routinely features Jha as a guest, allowing him to proclaim his love for Fauci, vaccines, and now vaccine passports, which he believes will "beat COVID-19." "Vaccine certificates are needed so everyone's full participation in society can be restored," Jha wrote in an April 28, 2021, op-ed for The Economist. Those who decry Jha's vaccine passport proposals as an infringement on personal freedom are spreading "nonsense," he insists. "As countries administer covid-19 vaccines, having a vaccine certificate – a simple, reliable and secure way to determine who is inoculated – will be critical to making work, school, restaurants, houses of worship and other places safe for everyone," Jha claims.

Jha worships Fauci, says he "channels" him regularly

If Jha gets his way, everyone in America will be required to show proof of injection, including through smartphone apps, in order to attend public events like baseball games, or to travel to Hawaii. Jha spoke at the recent "A National Strategy For Digital Health" event, which was sponsored by the Mitre Corp. The goal of this event was to help normalize digital health passports for Americans seeking to travel, enter businesses, or go to school. Back in October, Jha wrote on Twitter that he would like to implement a "vaccine mandate for air travel." "Its [sic] time for vaccine mandate for air travel Lack of one is becoming an issue," he wrote, without proper punctuation. "Basically, we can't expect mitigation measures to be enforced well enough to prevent transmission on airplanes forever," he added, further explaining how upset he was just prior to tweeting about how he had to share a row on an airplane with a woman "whose mask barely covered her mouth." On several occasions, Jha has participated in one-on-one interviews with Fauci, his idol, in which he thanked Fauci and worshipped him for setting an example for Americans about how to live. "I think a lot of us in public health look up to you as the person who has always used science and the scientific process as the benchmark by which we guide ourselves," Jha gushed at Fauci. "And there is nobody who embodies that better than you do, Tony. So, I want to say on a personal level: thank you for that," he added. To further illustrate Jha's love affair with Fauci, he says that whenever he is asked about covid injections, he "always essentially tr[ies] to channel my inner Tony Fauci, as I think all public health people do, and try to think what would Tony say about this?" This creep also appears to endorse Black Lives Matter (BLM), having written an op-ed for The Guardian back in 2020 called, "Why Protests Aren't As Dangerous For Spreading Coronavirus As You Might Think." Jha alleges that it is okay for BLM rioters to be close together when burning down buildings and terrorizing people because it is "clear that there is a serious risk and grave public health cost to not addressing systemic racism against black people in America." "If we are to confront systemic racism, such mass demonstrations seem 'essential,' to use our new pandemic lexicon," he added. More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: