Well, at least they didn’t suggest Americans eat bugs or drink sewage, which is what the World Economic Forum suggests. http://www.informationliberation.com/files/eat-bugs-drink-sewage-world-economic-forum.jpg Before Thanksgiving, the St. Louis Fed also urged consumers to swap turkey for “soybean-based dinners.” The International Energy Agency (IEA) also helpfully suggests Americans should reign in their driving, including by reducing speeds on highways, to save money on skyrocketing gas costs. The article also suggested that Americans should forget about trying to save their beloved dog’s life if it is struck down by cancer. “If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs. It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy — which can cost up to $10,000 — for ethical reasons.” Bloomberg News is owned by businessman and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg, who enjoys a net worth of $82 billion dollars. Let them eat lentils! Or maybe, if you can’t afford vet bills, just eat your dead dog instead. Read more at: Infowars.comInflation stings most if you earn less than $300K. Here's how to deal:
➡️ Take the bus ➡️ Don’t buy in bulk ➡️ Try lentils instead of meat ➡️ Nobody said this would be fun https://t.co/HGJEoXL5ZZ — Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) March 19, 2022
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