CNN celebrates evil Ukrainian doctor who's ordering physicians to carry out WAR CRIMES against wounded Russians by castrating them
By ethanh // 2022-03-22
Ukraine's Mobile Hospital Head Gennadiy Druzenko is celebrating the fact that he gave "strict orders" to Ukrainian troops to castrate all wounded Russian soldiers they capture because Russians "are cockroaches, not humans," according to Druzenko. And fake news giant CNN is praising Druzenko for doing and saying all this. What Druzenko basically admitted in a translated Channel 24 interview that is going viral amounts to war crimes. And yet, CNN apparently sees nothing wrong with war crimes just so long as they are committed against Russians, which have become the world's whipping post. Druzenko is a lawyer, a Maidan activist, and a veteran of the Donbass war, we are told. His Facebook page also reveals that he used to work for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which is connected to the Ukrainian bioweapons laboratories, the Pentagon, the Biden crime family, Jeffrey Epstein and other Deep State players. CNN's Fareed Zakaria hosted Druzenko during a recent segment. Zakaria called Druzenko an "intellectual" and had nothing but glowing things to say about him as he is "joining the fight" against Vladimir Putin, whom CNN seems to have long hated. Zakaria even went so far as to dub Druzenko a "medical angel," also calling the soldiers that Druzenko ordered to castrate wounded Russian soldiers "medical angels" whose job it is to "save lives on front line."

Druzenko backtracks, says Ukrainian soldiers do "not castrate anyone" and are "not going to"

Much like how we were falsely told that ventilators, Remdesivir and now the "vaccines" are "saving lives" from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the fake news media is claiming that Druzenko, a eugenics butcher, and those under his command are "saving lives" by castrating Russian men. "People prefer DENIAL over accepting (the fact that) we are ARMING NAZI battalions & those who encourage WAR CRIMES," tweeted Maajid Nawaz, a Twitter account that put much of this information together in a tweet feed. It turns out that the United States, using American taxpayer dollars of course, is directly funding Druzenko and his Nazi soldiers as if these are America's "allies." After Druzenko got exposed by Nawaz and others, he went on Facebook to claim that he and his soldiers are not castrating anyone and are "not going to." "Those were the emotions. I'm sorry," Druzenko wrote. "We are saving lives. Period." Unfortunately for Druzenko, there is circulating footage that appears to show Ukrainian forces torturing Russian soldiers. If these are real, then there are a lot more than just "emotions" running high in all this. "GRAPHIC WARNING: THREAD of VIDEOS appearing to depict OUR ALLIES the so-called 'good guys' in Ukrainian militia dishing out ISIS-STYLE PUBLIC PUNISHMENT & TORTURE," Nawaz added in another tweet, linking to graphic footage. "Such abuse seems normalized & widespread there. It MUST be investigated ASAP by human rights organizations @Amnesty." The PDMS later issued a statement apologizing for Druzenko's comments about castrating Russian soldiers, claiming they were "taken out of context and propagated by Russian propaganda channels." Once again, Russia, Russia, Russia! is being blamed for the actual words uttered by someone else, showing that no matter what the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its allies say or do, Putin will always be blamed for it. "Democracy and free speech in general in our 'woke' Western regions is over," wrote someone at Natural News. "Is there still a way, I wonder, to get access to Russia Today somehow? I am fed up with biased Western propaganda." It turns out that RT is still accessible to Americans, though it is important to remember that discernment and critical thinking are required with anything a person reads, no matter the source. More related news coverage about the conflict in Ukraine can be found at Sources include: