Disney "pervs out" to help turn America communist, keeps lesbian make-out scene in new Toy Story "Lightyear" movie to brainwash kindergarteners
By sdwells // 2022-03-22
Part of the deconstruction of America by the communists in Washington DC involves the breaking down of human character, values, morals, religion and feelings of self-worth. This leads to heavy reliance on big government to "rescue" everyone from their problems of poverty, drug addictions, alcoholism, pornography addiction, sexually transmitted diseases and poor health in general. It's a "rabbit hole" that also often leads to reliance on the government for money (loans, grants and handouts) for school, food, rent, abortions, etc. It runs even deeper. It's all a distraction so the children will grow up to vote for free money and more government tyranny. The sexual brainwash is key to this insidious plan, and it begins very early on, believe it or not. Hollywood and Disney play a huge role in how children perceive the real world, even though it's just movies and shows. Just recently, Disney is pushing the lesbianism for children theme quite hard in the new Toy Story movie called "Lightyear," and they're catching a lot of flack for it. This is communism in the brewing, starting as early as possible, at the movies, schools, daycare centers, social media and streaming television.

Gender fluid indoctrination part of communist takeover of America

This "gender fluid" indoctrination of children worldwide is a pedophile push to justify pushing adult sexual thinking and expressions onto the kids, and with children as young as they can possibly get away with it. Let's face it, straight folks aren't infiltrating schools to teach the kids how to tuck their package or saw off breasts to switch roles for sexual interests. Straight folks aren't literally trying to change the curriculum in elementary schools to eliminate "he" and "she" so everyone can use the same bathroom, along with the twisted adults who identify as teens or kids, and the children who are allowed to identify as cats or dogs. That's just the tip of the iceberg, and now Disney Corporation has weaved in an overtly gay lesbian kissing scene in Pixar's new Buzz Lightyear movie, and this thing is "not yet rated." No wonder why. This is Disney's "revenge" for the Florida bill (Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill) that keeps identifying humans by their gender, instead of everyone being somewhere on the spectrum of fluid gay (a.k.a. the schooling of 'gender orientation' for children between kindergarten and third grade).

LGBTQ-Trans-Everything is the most important topic for all children of all ages, according to communists and perverts

There is substantial LGBTQ "representation" in the new movie, not just a French kiss scene between two women. Yet, Disney Corporation has previously issued a memo saying they were not going to be including LGBTQ themes in their movies, but so much for that. Disney executives say they always review gay content in Pixar films, and in retaliation for supposedly being "barred from creating it," Disney will keep this in the kid's film. The Florida bill prohibits EXPOSING KIDS under ten to radical sexual practices and ideologies in school. There is NO mention of the word "gay," in the legislation, as the radical gay activists and LGBTQ+ Disney executives just created their own scarecrow to burn for more attention. Now they're screaming they were made a target in order to defend "educating" little kids about sexual preferences starting in kindergarten. Again, the communist aggression is digging roots and injecting perversions in the elementary schools, kids' movies, and through social media. Keep in mind Disney has made BILLIONS from communist China. Maybe Disney should change Mickey and Minnie Mouse to Maggie and Minnie? Is Donald Duck actually a girl? Is little Bo Peep really a 58-year-old man in drag? Should Buzz Lightyear be wearing high heels and a thong (while tucking his shlong and his waxed balls) the whole movie, that way kids can better cope with stuff like that when they figure out what daily-changing gender they want to be? Is this where it's all heading folks? Remember, it's all about distracting and perverting everybody so we won't be able to defend our human rights and Bill of Rights, and so the elitists can eliminate the middle class. Just follow the bouncing ball. Ask yourself, should kindergarteners being educated about asking themselves what gender they are and which gender they would want to have sex with later? Only radical sex freaks seem to want that, oh, and most communists. Click your mouse on Gender.news for updates on hot topics that affect proper education and moral values in school. Sources include: WesternJournal.com NaturalNews.com