Things people need to have before hyperinflation hits
By kevinhughes // 2022-03-22
Inflation is already happening in the United States. Although hyperinflation has not hit the country yet, it is much better to be prepared for it. People need to store things that they need while they are still affordable. Here are some items you need to stockpile before hyperinflation hits. (Related: Prepare for inflation-induced shortages by stocking up on these essentials.)

Canned foods

Stock up on canned foods, such as canned meat, fish and beans. Buy canned foods that will last a long time and that your family will surely eat. It is also better to get some food on hand in case you can't go to the grocery store or grow it. Get a combination of food that you can heat up with hot water like soups or don't need to be cooked so much. Have a variety of easy-to-prepare food for when you're in an emergency situation and unable to cook. You can also have a few convenient things, especially those that you can stock up in your freezer. But make sure you focus on the canned products that last long. And before you stock up your freezer, make sure that you have already stocked up your pantry first.

Water filtration system

Although it is good to have bottles of water around, people really need to get a water filtration system in their home. Make sure you have water filtration especially when you are living in a brand new house. Water filtration is a process of removing or reducing particulate matter like suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi and contaminants to produce safe and clean water. Get a cheap kind of water filtration when you are in a real tight emergency situation.

Medical supplies

This means stocking up or building up on all kinds of medical supplies, such as cough medicine, anti-itch cream, anti-diarrhea medicines and prescription medications. Don't forget to have your emergency first-aid kit as well.

Basic tools

Make sure that you have basic tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, hammers, small axe, hand saws, among others at your home. Get yourself tools that you can use when you to need to fix things around the house.

Extra clothing, shoes and socks

Although you may not yet be on "survival" mode, having pairs of shirts, pants, socks, underwear and shoes, among other things on hand can come in handy. Make sure that every family member has at least two pairs of shoes and extra socks. You may also throw in some jeans and overalls as well.

Alternate fuel source aside from a generator

Have an alternate fuel source aside from a generator. Getting a generator is great but it won't be good for a very long time. So you can have as a fuel source a rocket stove and wood stove. You can get yourself a fire pit, a grill with charcoal aside from propane. Make sure that your propane tanks are filled up all the time. Getting these alternate fuel sources to heat up food or boil water is very important, especially during emergencies.


Get non-GMO heirloom seeds, as well as some seeds that are hybrid because the former are susceptible to bugs and disease that can kill entire crops. Plant a few hybrids and a few heirlooms so that you can have a variety. Having disease-resistant seeds such as tomatoes and cucumbers can be useful. You can also vacuum seal all your seeds and put them in the freezer.

Glues and tapes

There are different uses for glues and tapes, such as masking tape and duct tape. Tapes are the type of things you might need to use in different emergency situations and they can come in handy.

A variety of soap

You will need soap to get cleaned up and refreshed even in emergency situations. Have a variety of soap, such as a bar soap that lasts longer and cheap and a bath soap that you can use for bathing. Having a supply of soap would also make a great trading item in bartering situations.

A means of transportation

Make sure you have some sort of transportation, especially when you need to travel. Make sure your car is in good condition. It is also helpful if you have alternative ways of transportation, such as a wagon, bike or anything that you could use for transporting and carrying things around.

Basic books

Having basic books at home, such as a cookbook, a medical book and a repair book, can be a big help for people who want to have a quick reference on things or to know or learn about things quickly. Follow for more tips on how to prepare for hyperinflation. Watch the video below to know the things you need to buy before hyperinflation comes. This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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