And she’s not the only one. Another Ukrainian diplomat tried to flee Ukraine with 68,000€, $140,000, 12kg gold, 13.8kg gold jewelry and a large number of cigarettes.The wife of former Ukrainian MP Ihor Kotvitskyi declared 28 million dollars and 1.3 million euros when entering Hungary. Kotvitskyi has faced allegations of corruption in the past.
— Euan MacDonald (@Euan_MacDonald) March 20, 2022
Your tax dollars at work — making corrupt Ukrainian politicians rich.Ukraine authorities detained an Ukrainian diplomat at a checkpoint. He tried to take out of the country 140 thousand dollars,68 thousand euros,12 kilograms of gold bars and 13.8 kilograms of jewelry #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #Russian #Russia #kyiv #Nato #usa #Russia
— ????? (@YoshiYamamo_to) March 16, 2022
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