The article also advises Americans to not buy in bulk (which is stupid because buying in bulk is cheaper in the long run) and buy lentils instead of meat. Then, in a sop to the most left-wing regime since Obama, the article appears to chide Americans for complaining about high prices (that have directly been caused by Biden's and Democrats' insane economic policies) by insisting that "nobody said this would be fun." Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine, which is dragging on thanks to the lionization of President Volodymyr Zelensky by the legacy media and American lawmakers amid calls for a no-fly zone, is also being blamed for the massive rise in prices for food and gas, even though these increases were happening already for months under the Biden regime. "Though your palate may not be used to it, tasty meat substitutes include vegetables (where prices are up a little over four percent, or lentils and beans, which are up about nine percent). Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It's a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories," the Bloomberg opinion piece says. To the point that inflation has been rising for months under Biden, the St. Louis Federal Reserve recommended that consumers swap Turkey for "soybean-based dinners" over Thanksgiving: "Between 1990 and the time of this writing, the average global price of poultry has been 6 times higher than the price of soybeans. "As of the third quarter of 2021, a hearty Thanksgiving dinner serving of turkey costs $1.42. A tofurkey (soybean) dinner serving with the same amount of calories costs $0.66 and provides almost twice as much protein. Keep in mind that this plant-based meal would be almost 3 times larger by weight than the poultry-based meal and may either keep you at the dinner table longer or provide you with more leftovers." The International Energy Agency (IEA) also suggested that Americans stop driving so much while also lowering their speeds on highways in order to save money amid skyrocketing gas prices. The IEA called for observing "car-free Sundays" in cities and for people to work from home at least three days per week. The Bloomberg piece also called on Americans to forget about trying to save their beloved dog's life if it is struck down by cancer. "If you're one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs. It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don't recommend pet chemotherapy – which can cost up to $10,000 – for ethical reasons," the op-ed said. It should be noted that Bloomberg News is owned by businessman and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg, who sits on a net worth of $82 billion. Sources include: ZeroHedge.comInflation stings most if you earn less than $300K. Here's how to deal:
➡️ Take the bus ➡️ Don’t buy in bulk ➡️ Try lentils instead of meat ➡️ Nobody said this would be fun — Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) March 19, 2022
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