Reuters added: "Diplomats have said a Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine, or a heavy bombardment of its capital Kyiv, could be a trigger for an energy embargo. Russia says it targets military, not civilian infrastructure. Moscow itself has warned that EU sanctions on Russian oil could prompt it to close a gas pipeline to Europe. For now, the 27-nation EU, which relies on Russia for 40 percent of its gas, with Germany among the most dependent of the bloc's large economies, is divided on how to tackle the energy issue. "Americans would remain as they are and would feel much better than Europeans (in the event of oil embargo). This would be hard for Europeans – such a decision would hit everyone," Peskov said. Oil prices are bound to go higher still – thanks in part to embargoes of Russian oil, an attack on Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure on Monday by Houthi rebels in Yemen and the fact that Biden is carrying out an assault on America's oil and gas industry to round out the perfect storm of stupidity. Sources include: considers imposing embargo on #oil supplies from #Russia.
According to #Reuters, the embargo on energy resources may be introduced in the case of a "massive bombing of #Kyiv" or the use of chemical weapons. Especially, the Baltic states insist on an oil embargo. — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 21, 2022
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